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park minseo

Saturday was here and I was terrified. I spent half of the morning explaining to everyone that I would get to the party in time after I finished my family business.

The fact that my family business is an episode of those excessive cleaning reality TV shows is another story.

I hopped on the train and looked at the beautiful sky moving slowly away as the train wandered. Will the visit be a living hell? Most likely. Will it be soon over if I clean in time? Absolutely.

The ride was short. At least it seemed like it. I took a taxi to my house and sighed as I stepped out. Nothing changed besides the few maids that were running around. I feel particularly bad for them.

I walked to the front door and opened it slowly. I almost gasped when the smell, which hit my nose every time I came back from school as a kid, wasn't an alcoholic beverage but fresh lemons. The maids are already doing their magic.


I looked at my mother who was standing in the hallway, wearing a spotless white dress, hair in a neat bun while having the most gorgeous makeup on the planet. I almost didn't recognize her.

'Mom?' I blurted out in amazement.

'Don't stare at me like I can't look pretty as well. I was forced to host the carnival this weekend so I needed to invest,' she scoffed in annoyance.

'Carnival? So, like everyone will wear masks?'

'Obviously, how else you would come to a carnival?' she laughed. 'Don't stand there and help the cooks. When you are done help with cleaning. After everything is done, go to your room.'

'Wait, can't I leave when I am done?'

My mother smirked. 'And where would you go?'

Suddenly, I was nervous. Did she hate me that much? 'Uh, nowhere,' I squinted my eyes in defeat.

'Good, if I will need help, you need to be here for assistance. Now go,' she hissed and left.

I wanted to scream. Like loudly. Yet again she was making my life a living hell. I don't even want to know where is my father. Did she kick him out for the night because he would cause a scene?

I cooked, and cleaned... maybe I should've spilled peas and beans all over the floor so at least I could've my Cinderella moment.

I hid in my room while I listened to the guests coming. The laughter, high-pitched squeaks, and the sound of the heels hitting the floor were aching my brain. My living room was giant enough to have two balls in it, so I wasn't worried about sneaking out in the middle of the night.

I checked the time and sighed when I realized it would be 11 pm in 15 minutes. I groaned as I grew hungry. I got up and decided to snoop around my mother's bedroom. She is such a hoarder, she had to hide snacks in there.

I slowly entered the room and hit the lights. The room was clean. She really outdid herself. I started getting through her drawers, and night table but found nothing. I eyed the closed and prayed that anything would be there. Even a week-old sandwich. It will do.

I opened the closet and almost gasped when I saw a beautiful black dress with golden stitching. It was off-shoulder and tight like from a fairytale. I grabbed it and looked at it in shock. Did my mother really decide to wear something else instead of this beauty?

I noticed the mask which was hanging on the hanger and smirked. It won't hurt to try them on, will it?

I giggled like a little girl while I undressed myself and wore the dress. I walked to the standing mirror in front of the door and let out a small "woah".

'They fit,' I spoke in amazement.

I looked down at my hands holding the golden mask. I wore it and laughed in joy as I spun in the mirror.

However, my joy quickly evaporated from my body as I noticed a person standing at the door in the mirror. I turned around in horror and wanted to scream when the guy stopped me.

'I'm sorry! I thought this was the bathroom,' he scratched his head.

I sighed and waited for him to leave, but he didn't. He stood there, staring at me. 'I am so sorry, but you look gorgeous. You should come downstairs. I bet men will fight for your dance,' he smiled.

He was familiar. Why is everyone familiar these days? It's driving me insane.

'I don't dance,' I waved my hand.

'Even with me?'

My eyes widened. I bet I was red as a tomato. I hoped it wouldn't be noticeable as the room was only lightened by the moonlight.

He walked up to me and held my hand. He slowly kissed the top of it while bowing like in movies. 'Will you dance with me?'

I was stunned. Who was this guy?

'Ehm, I don't have any shoes.'

He looked confused and then he looked at my barefoot legs. Yes, my mom had a dress, and a mask but no heels. Dancing with someone random wasn't part of my plan. Maybe I wasn't Cinderella after all. I had no heel to lose.

To my surprise, he didn't laugh or comment on the odd situation. He simply removed his shoes, leaving himself with just socks on. 'Me neither,' he winked at me.

Now I was sure, I couldn't say no. I nodded and he smiled behind the mask. He dragged me outside, leading me to the stairs. We slowly walked down the stairs, me holding his arm.

The song was a slow one, romantic even. The lights were bright, shining at the hundreds of hosts my mother invited. Lots of people started at us as we walked down the stairs. The one thing that was saving me from embarrassment was the stupid mask.

He led me to the center of the room. People quickly gave us a space which meant it was just me and him in the middle of the dance floor... Or should I say, my living room?

People started whispering at the sight of our shoeless feet. However, I was lost in his eyes, nothing else could bother me at that moment.

We started swinging to the music slowly, but elegantly. He looked so charming and gentlemen-like, even behind the mask. The light highlighted his beautiful dark hair and the droplets of sweat on his pale forehead.

Did I develop a crush on a masked man? Maybe. It's not like I will ever see him again.

Suddenly, a church bell started swinging, making a noise signaling midnight. The song ended and people started coming to the dance floor again after giving us a private dance.

'I have to go,' I said.

'Goodbye, princess,' he bowed again.

I chuckled and ran off before I blushed again. I felt like on cloud nine. However, I had no time to think about it right now. I had a freshman party to attend, which had already started.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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