3 | The Heartbreak

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"Surprise!" I exclaim as I enter Aryan's room.

I hadn't seen Aryan, my boyfriend all day so I decided to go to his home and then take him for a special night out.

I see Alia, on Aryan's bed. Her hands were on his neck, his in her hair. She pulls her lips away from Aryan's as soon as she sees me. I froze with shock, my mouth wide open. It took me time to process what was happening in front of me. My best friend was kissing my boyfriend. It was completely silent until Alia spoke.

"I can explain Vaani," Sophie says "I, he forced me into this I swear"

"Oh, please Sofie save it. I thought you were my best friend. And Aryan I really believed you when you said that you loved me. It's been three years since we are dating but here you are, cheating on me with my own best friend. I was about to surprise you with tickets to your favorite concert, just the two of us. Looks like I was the one who got a surprise instead. I wish you both the best of luck. Bye"

I started leaving the room and Alia came after me.

"Please am sorry Vaani I really am"

"Alia I don't want to talk about this so please leave me alone"

"you will still drop me to school right?"

She was a bitch 

"Do you hear yourself?" I hollered furiously "Wait tell Shraddha hears about this"

I left the house but decided to go back to his room to grab my jacket that I left at his home yesterday. I go in and catch Alia and Aryan kissing once more. My possessions were no longer important to me.

I was going home crying and bumped into Aadvik.

he looked at me "Oh hey"

I muttered "Hey"

"well who is the gloomy one now"

"Can you please mind your words and watch where you are going"

"um, I'm sorry" his tone changed to a sad one

"No wait I'm sorry. I'm just in the mood of joking "

"yeah alright, no need to be sorry. I guess we all have our bad days"

"I have to go, sorry again. bye"


I started walking when he called me " Vaani"

I turned around

"I know we just met but if you need any help just call me"

"ok, thanks." I then realized something. I hesitated at first but finally said, "But I don't have your number"

"give me your phone"

He fed his number into my phone and I fed mine into his.


"no worries. Just call me if you need help ok?"

I nodded and started walking away. No one has ever cared about me like that, except Alia and Shraddha. Now Alia wasn't there and she took Aryan away from me too. I was hurt. I went home and slept crying.

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