settling in

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after about 10 seconds of bliss, neteyam slowly backs his head away from mine. our eyes open simultaneously. thank goodness for the pink glow of the flower because my face is flushed. we stare at each other for a second then both crack a smile. neteyam looks down smiling and gives his lip a small bite, then resumes looking at me. "so!" he says loudly, then takes my hands and leads me towards the decline of the pillar. "you want to find your ikran? i want to come with you." "you- you do? why?" i ask hesitantly with my voice shaking a little. "the first flight you take that seals the bond is the most amazing rush you can feel. i remember my first flight with my ikran nayzi, it's a feeling you'll never forget. i just would like to be there with you for that moment."

he jumps down to the ground and extends his hand upwards to me. i smile and tilt my head at him and in return he smiles big. he even has beautiful teeth. he's heart stopping. i take his hand and jump down. "well, having you there i guess wouldn't be so bad." i say with a smirk. "i might need some help climbing the rookery, and since you've already bonded maybe you could give me some tips." "gladly lun'ayla." he begins to walk quickly in front of me. "come on now, let's go back to camp and rest up. you have a big day tomorrow." he looks back and smiles again. maybe he just hasn't stopped.

back at camp i see ri'nela talking to a na'vi boy who looks around her age. that's good at least. she looks happy, they're laughing together in a small tent with a fire. i look around some more to see if i can find so'lek. he brought me here, he saved me from an inevitable death. i feel a sense of safety when he's around. i eventually see him through the smoke of the large fire in the center of the circle, talking with jake and neytiri. i want to join their conversation, but i just feel like such an outcast in this large, tight knit clan and family.

just as loneliness was falling to my face, a hand slowly swipes across my lower back. neteyam. he looks at me and gestures his head towards a nearby tent. his way of saying 'come with me' i guess. following closely i'm lead into an extremely cozy tent with a hammock on the far left. there's a small fire that splits through the middle of the space, a few stacks of what looks like paper with ink written on them resting on a stump next to the hammock. on the other side there are some shelves of fresh fruit, and a basket that seems to have some waistcloths and cummerbunds (chest plates). next to that, a handful of bows and spears resting against the side of the tent. i can only assume this is neteyam's tent all to himself.

the glow of the fire is peaceful. i stand in front of it feeling the warmth. neteyam walks over and plops himself into his hammock, lets out a deep exhale, and lays back with one leg up and one still resting on the ground. his waist cloth is resting heavily over his member, outlining it almost perfectly. my eyes travel up to his torso. the muscles in his abdomen are extremely cut, so many ridges of just pure muscle. my eyes travel up once more and i see that he's caught me staring. i quickly move my eyes back to the blazing fire and at the same time i close my mouth, because somehow it fell open during my longing gaze. out of the corner of my eye i see neteyam raise his arm and gesture for me to come closer.

"umm no thank you." i say giggling. "i'm just going to sleep, on the ground... over on this side." i awkwardly make my way to the opposite side. "wait. wait." neteyam stands up quickly and has his hands up. "just-" he sighs. "i'm sorry. i'm forgetting my manners. you come sleep here, and i will sleep on the ground over there." i look at him slightly confused. "seriously come here." his tone of voice got me to move without hesitation. i sit down in the hammock and slowly twist and lay back. neteyam reached over me to grab a woven blanket on the ground between the hammock and the side of the tent. his chest squishes the large lumps on mine. gosh sometimes i really hate having curves. always getting in the way somehow. "thank you." i say to him as he pulls the blanket over me. he takes his left hand and brushes the top of my head. "anytime luna." he smiles, then kisses my forehead. i melt once again. he turns to walk past the fire to the other side of the tent. "goodnight beautiful." he whispers to me as he laid on the ground with a sack full of his waistcloths under his head, and another woven blanket over his small waist.

he called me.. luna? and then called me beautiful. are these nicknames he's decided to call me now? i don't know. so many new things have happened today, all i can do is keep up with everything. too much to think about, tomorrow is indeed a big day if neteyam decides to take me to the rookery. sleep does sound good right now. i roll over to my side and close my eyes.

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