Part 3 "Female Titan #2"

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Talking— Name:...
Thinking— (...)
Raphael— [...]
Whisper— {...}
Location, time and perspective — *...*
*Current location: Inside the forest of giant trees*

*Continuation of the last part*

Petra: Eren... trust us.

Eren looked at Petra contemplating of what to choose as he looked back at the female titan and one of he's comrade thats continue to attack the female titan just to buy them some time to escape, he was given a choice of going back and try helping the soldier take down the titan or continue on the mission, he was given a choice but not enough time to think as Levi shouted at Eren

Levi: EREN! There's no time, choose now!!!

Then finally with the last push Eren shouted that he chooses to continue on with the mission and leave the female titan to the other soldier, he look straight forward as him and the Levi squad galloped faster, away from the female titan.

The Levi squad hear a loud scream from behind them as the soldier that helped them escape got captured  in the hands of the female titan, Eren hearing the scream closed his eyes and forced himself to not look back

Eren:{I'm so sorry ....}

He muttered to himself...

The group continued to run and at the same time the other soldier that helped them escape was thrown away like a rubbish as it's head got destroyed by the female titan after being smashed into a tree, the female titan then started to run even faster after getting rid of the soldier but one of the Levi squad noticed this and shouted to inform everyone of what's coming

Gunther: Target is accelerating!!

Levi hearing this shouted his order so that everyone could hear

Levi: Full speed ahead!! We'll get away!!

They all fallowed his order including Eren, they run with their horses at top speed distancing themselves from the female titan but no matter how much they run the female titan only got closer. Eren hearing the titans footsteps getting near them can't help but worry but it was his choice to fallow his captains order and go through with the mission, he didn't know what the captain is thinking but he can't help but believe and rely on them even just a little bit, then he hears Levi shouting

Levi: Keep going!!

This shout woke Eren from his thoughts and realize the giant shadow around him, this made him looked up and saw the female titan right behind him, reaching its hand to get him at that moment every thing seems to slow down for Eren he couldn't do anything as he watches as the titan reach out to get him

After the Levi squad reaches a somewhat opened space in the forest. Out in the corner of the giant trees the Levi squad and Eren see a large cannon like structure with people beside it that seems like they where waiting for them exactly, then they heard a loud shout from a man with blonde hair that is neatly parted on the left side...

???: Fire!!!

After that multiple cannons was shot at the female titan at all directions piercing its body with long spears that was attached to a metallic wire this help restrain the titan and keep it from moving essentially making it immobilized

Eren and the squad didn't stop moving but the sight of the restrained female titan surprised and confused Eren that left him speechless then Levi spoke

Levi: I've got my own task to carry out now. Eld's in command while I'm gone.

Levi then jumped of the horse and used his ODM gear to return to where the female titan is but right after jumping of the horse he told his squad to hide Eren from a safe distance and take care of his horse before completely leaving

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