Part 4 "The trial"

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Talking- Name:...
Thinking- (...)
Raphael- [...]
Whisper- {...}
Location, Time and perspective *...*
-Previously on-
"Tensura x AOT Crossover"
The survey corp meet a mysterious entity that named itself as Rimuru Tempest. It revealed it self after showing them an unbelievable sight after freezing an entire horde of titans on its own, what will this encounter leads them and what would their future become? No one knows... even the writer...
*Current Location: The front Gate outside of Wall of Karanes District*

Rimuru was sitting at the wagon that was following just right at the back of Levi's squad, and behind him was the captured female titan which was actually a woman who has a long pale blonde hair who they called Annie that they managed to get a hold of thanks to Rimuru's help.

At first there was a little conflict between trusting Rimuru and allowing him to join them back to Karanes District but because of a little help with Erwin and Levi he was allowed to accompany them with the condition that he will be put under their custody.

Rimuru seeing nothing wrong with it agreed to their condition and with his help they were able to safely capture and take the female titan with them, and when i say safely I meant Rimuru cutting the titan's arms and legs and freezing them with magic so that they can retrieve the person inside the titan's neck.

There was some other interesting event that happened back in the woods when they found out about the titans identity but we will talk about it some other time.Now we focus on Rimuru's arrival to Karanes District.

*Rimuru's POV*

Rimuru:(whaaa!! Those walls are huge, how did they even manage to build that? Didn't Raphael said that their technology wasn't that advanced as Earth's)...

Wait speaking of Raphael... can you hear me?...


Rimuru pause for a second, sweat dripping on the side of his face, after that he then continued to talk to Raphael preparing to apologize to him

Rimuru:(.... I'm sorry, okay? My words didn't came out right at that time, so please can you please stop ignoring me, okay Raphael-san🙏)

Raphael just signed at Rimuru as he
grin and heard Raphael's response i guess Rimuru is forgiven then....

*That was fast...Now back to the wall*

The entire Survey Corp finally returned back inside the wall, they entered the gate through Karanes District as people inside greeted them all from their battle, a lot of people was watching the soldiers as they passes by them some with something good to say and the other giving out complaints about waisting their taxes, but what caught a lot of their attention was the figure that accompanied them...

Civilian#1:the Survey Corps is back!!

Random kid #1: Come on move! I can't see!

Random kid #2: hay let's climb up the ladder to get a better look!

Civilian #2: they all made such a fuss this morning and they all came back in time for lunch!!! Did they even do anything?!

Civilian #3: I thought there would've been more casualties...

Random civilian #4: I know right but who's that beauty with them did she came from outside the walls?

Random civilian #5: is she a rescue?

Random kid's: she's so beautiful!!

With all the people staring at Rimuru as he passes by he couldn't help but feel embarrassed by all the staring and what most of them are saying about him

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