Coming soon

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This one is going to be different then my other stories cause I'm writing and or working on right now. James and Ginger are two year old twins that got left out in the pouring rain by their mom who did not want to take care of them anymore so she kicked them out of her apartment and her life as well. They left with a fee things in a backpack that they could carry on their tiny back of course and they were getting drenched as they were walking to find a new family that was going to love them and not kick them out at all either which was very sad for them cause they were only two years old and now they were orphans living on the streets to defend for themselves which was a sad thing. They could not get dry and when they could get dry they did not stay dry gif very long at all either. Logan Henderson sees them and he takes them into his home and he dries them both off and puts them in front of the fireplace to get warm as he was ordering some pajamas for the two of them to wear as well as anything else that they will need as well cause now they were his kids and he loved them already and they were grateful that he found them. Logan starts the process to adopt them as his kid of course and they begin to feel comfortable with him as their dad of course and it takes some time for them to get used to having him as their dad of course and slowly they warm up to the idea of him being their new dad

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