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(Sorry for not updating in a while❤)

"Okay, talk." Naya said out of nowhere.

"What?" Sunghoon said coming back down from his thoughts.

"I'm not stupid Sunghoon, I've told you this so many times. What's going on with you?"

Sunghoon kept quiet.

Naya alway had this way of knowing when he was okay or not. It surprised him a lot.

"Sunghoon..I thought we said no secrets when we became friends" Naya tilted her head, a worried expression painted all over her face.

Sunghoon stayed still.

"It's nothing. Sometimes I just feel tired." He lied.

"You sure?" Naya pressured, giving the other another chance to talk to her.


"Jungwon! This is the fifth time you stopped by here" Ms. Lin smiled, seeing me walk to her desk.

"Yea, I came to return these" I said placing the books on the counter.

"Wow you read all these in the span of a week" The middle aged lady huffed, checking the books back into the library.

I chuckled, "You know me"

"I do, I really do" She started silently laughing with me.

Suddenly an all to familiar voice spoke up,

"Can I return my books in?"

I turned my attention to the stranger, immediately recognizing him.

"Hyungseo?" My eyes lit up.

The taller boy looked down at him, lips curving into a smile,

"Took you long enough."

I let my mouth hang out in shock.

"How have you been Wonie?" He said looking at me with care filled eyes.

"Good, but honestly I thought you were coming back next month." I tilted my head.

He payed my head, "I was going to push my vacation a month back, but I wanted to see you guys again"

"As thoughtful as ever" Jungwon grinned.

"Of course"

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