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"Oh no, Jungwon caught the Sunghoon effect" Jake sarcastically whined.

"What-? No I didn-"

"He's been zoning out, not talking and thinking about a boy" Sunoo cut him off.

"Now that you said that mabye I did..." Jungwon muttered but it was loud enough for the people around him to hear.

"My only problem is that it's called the 'Sunghoon effect'." Sunghoon grunted

"It's true. After you met him, aka Lee Heeseung, you were all shy and quiet" Sunoo explained.

"Was not! I'm always quiet and shy." Sunghoon rejected, softly clenching his fists.

"Okay.. Believe what ever you want" Jake put his hands up in a surrendered position.

Sunghoon was about to say something probably mean when Jungwon asked the most random question.

"Sunghoon.. Are you going to the class early today?"

The mentioned boy paused his actions looking at Jungwon with a slightly confused face.

"Yea, I'm supposed to meet Naya there...Why?" Sunghoon explained curious as to why Jungwon needed that information.

"Are the other boys gonna be there?"

"I don't know" Sunghoon shrugged "Hopefully not though"

"Ah okay" Jungwon sighed and ran a hand through his hair, obviously not knowing why he had asked those questions.

But Sunghoon didn't miss the fact that when he said that Jungwon sulked.

Sulking? He thought That's not really Jungwon's thing to do.

"You can come with us if you want" Sunghoon offered, smiling when he saw Jungwon light up a bit.

"Really?" The cat-like boy tilted his head

"Of course. It seems like you have a dream boy there" Sunghoon teased and realized he was right when Jungwon tensed up.


"Naya!"  Sunghoon burst open the door, not expecting to see three other males. One having a girl wrapped around him.

Heeseung smiled when he saw how energetic Sunghoon was. To think of it he hadn't seen the male for a while.

It felt good to see a pretty face.

"Hey" Naya said in a stretched, low voice.

Sunghoon immediately weaved his way around the desks to get to her leaving Jungwon at the entrance.

The said male having locked eyes with Jay before following Sunghoon.

"Oh you brought Jungwon with you?" She asked Sunghoon before leaning her body over to wave to Jungwon.

Which he waved back with a eye smile.

"Yea, I gotta include my friends sometimes you know" Sunghoon chuckled.

"By the way, who's the other girl" Jungwon questioned, leaning over to get a better glimpse of her.

She was a brunette, with somewhat light green eyes, very pretty and had Jay's hand wrapped around her. Seems a lot like...

"Jay's girlfriend." Naya completed his thoughts.

Jungwon grew sad at the thought.

That moment in the library...

When he called me special.. Did really mean anything to him?


It was now lunch period and Sunghoon was in the bathroom washing his hands peacefully,

When a certain someone came.

"Hey" Sunghoon greeted dryly.

"Well that's not a very nice way to greet someone don't you think?" Heeseung walked over to him.

"Well that's probably because you're not someone I wanna see" Sunghoon grunted.

"And why is that?" Heeseung smiled.

"None of your business Lee." Sunghoon said turning off the tap and grabbing paper towel.

To say Heeseung was stunned was too dull, he was more than stunned.

What had he done that was so wrong?

Sunghoon crunched the paper towel into a ball and chucked it in the bin getting ready to walk out.

"Wait." Heeseung called out, he himself not knowing why he had done that.

"What now?" Sunghoon sighed obviously annoyed.

Heeseung strutted over to him.

He then put a finger under Sunghoon's chin place a peck on the boy's cheek.

"What ever I did I hope that makes up for it" He grinned feeling proud.

Sunghoon stayed there not moving a bone, before he pushed him away.

"You're so weird. We aren't even dating." He huffed crossing his arms.

"Yet" Heeseung added, seeing how one simple word made Sunghoon blush like a tomato.

"Ugh. I hate you Lee Heeseung!" He exclaimed and stormed out. Leaving a proud Heeseung by himself.

Park Sunghoon mark my words, I will make you mine.


I'm so sorry that this took so long to get published. I will try and update more. 🙏

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