Part 9

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◇ UA ◇

It's Thursday in the last class before lunch Aizawa had jusf finished teaching minor amounts of history. "Next week we will be going to the USJ please get your guardians to sign this permission form." Aizawa passes out a form to everyone and gets in sleeping bag and goes to sleep. "The USJ huh, I can't wait! What about you brother?" "If it means less of these boring classes I can't wait aswell." Kashimo was leaned back in his seat almost asleep, he hadn't heard a single word of Aizawas teaching. "I'm pretty sure it's just rescue training so not too entertaining I mean what am I supposed to do with my bunny legs kick them to safety?"

 "I'm pretty sure it's just rescue training so not too entertaining I mean what am I supposed to do with my bunny legs kick them to safety?"

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"Really you? I shoot lightning from myself, even worse than your problem." The bell for luncb rings and the class leaves to the cafeteria. The squad gets their food and sits at the table by theirselves and a few other classmates. "Katsuki have you ever thought of ways to make you explosions stronger?" "Huh yea if I can find a way to drag more air my explosions should be more dense. Found a way to make your electricity stronger?" While the two talk about training Izumi and Rumi talk with Ochako and Tsu about the upcoming field trip. Shinso seems happy to be able to eat unbothered.

"Just like other emitter quirks emitting takes alot of energy, however since I only need to emit it to either use my arc attacks or the standard electricity based attacks so I can be at the strength level while not having my quirk active. Downsides of that are obvious though." "Yea limiting yourself might not be worth the energy you save from it but I don't see many giving you trouble even without emitting." "You should never underestimate someone, it's like a fork in the road once you're there it's too late too do anything about it."

A loud siren erupts throughout the cafeteria startling students causing them to swarm the halls and cafeteria. "Hey watch it! Brother can you see what's wrong?" Kashimo pushes his way through the crowd and peers out the windows." Rumi comes running over "Hey an upper classman told me that's the villain alarm!" "It looks like reporters broke down the gate which set it off!" Katsuki stands on Kashimo's shoulders much to his dismay. "EVERYBODY SHUT UP IT'S JUST REPORTERS! AND YOU GUYS WANT TO BE HEROES WHAT COWARDS!" Katsuki climbs down and gets hit in the head by Kashimo. "Warn me next time doggy." "You!"

"Hey brother look at the gate." Kashimo looks towards the gate trying to understand why Izumi brought it up in such a way. Then he saw it, as if the gate had been burned to Hell. After him was Katsuki, and then the other members of the sqaud noticed. "That can't be done by some reporter can it..." "Nope." They walk to the next class still thinking of possible scenarios. Throughout next class Kashimo slept dreaming about the USJ. "Hehe Bunny fell."


◇ Early the next morning ◇

The entire class was standing outside as the freezing air crept up their bodies. "Damn that hobo, making us be out here this early." Katsuki had been complaining to Kashimo since he arrived there. "Alright class get on the bus." Aizawa had finally arrived along with the bus. The class shuffled on and into seatings. "Mind if I sit here?" "Hmm go ahead." Rumi had decided to sit next to Kashimo much to Izumi's delight who smirked at her from the seat adjacent to her.
"So you excited for the trip?" "A little, not really much but atleast we're out of that classroom." "All you do is sleep though..." "Yea pretty boring stuff."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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