"We're not, I ran into her at this bar, and next thing you know we're having sex in the bathroom. I kind feel weird about it " he says

"Yeah which part" Bobby ask

"I just thought I'd stop being that guy, I thought Abby had changed me. I'm single for like a day and I'm right back at it?" Buck says

"Well Buck you've been single for months" my dad says and walks away

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Buck says and looks at me. He really does not understand why.

"don't hate me for this, but everyone saying it because it's true. She left you to travel the world and how many times do you talk over the phone?" I say and he doesn't know how to answer me with that

"Traveling the world, she was actually leaving you for good so you can move on and find someone else" I say and he starts understanding why people are saying that

"Oh" he say and I give him a hug since I can tell he's feeling sad

We then head inside to help assist in anyway we can. I am technically not a paramedic so I can't help in any medical way but I haven't told anyone I'm planning on going  back to the Academy to train to be a paramedic. I haven't told anyone that and I'm planning on really looking into it in the new year!

We help our patients to make them better, but then they're getting turned over to the authorities. Buck keeps talking about the reporter, to think about it, they might be kind of cute together. But at the same time, there's some thing that annoys me about her. there's just something about her that just annoys me and I can't figure out what it is. I met her after the documentary aired on TV and I just got this weird feeling from her. Maybe I could've just been off that day or something, idk!

But at the end of the call love appeared! Earl confessed, something for his coworker Ruth. Last time I came to this gas station there was something about those two! I could see that they were meant to be, I used to go here when o was pregnant for snacks. Hehe!

~two days later~

I ended up taking the next couple of days off. There was things I needed to get done at home since our kitchen sink broke the other day and The house is a slight mess and I just need to get stuff done.

Today is also the day Eddie is coming over. Today is the day we tell my son that Eddie is his father. Eddie also took the day off to spend it with Christopher since we don't know how this is gonna go and how long it's going to take.

We don't know if Christopher is going to be accepting or declining and not want anything to do with him. I'm currently on my way to pick Christopher up from school early, I gave the School a heads up that I was coming to pick him up early since they would like to know in advance if you're coming to pick up or not.

"Hey buddy" I say picking him up from the main office where parents pick up their kids early. I signed my son out for the day and we head back to my car.

"Mommy" he asks in the car and we're settled and ready to go

"Yes bud" I ask

"Why did you pick me up from school early? I don't have a doctors appointment and we don't have anything special going on" he ask

"Well we're meeting with someone in a little while. That's why I had to pick you up early, if I left you until school ended for the day, no one would be able to pick you up" I say and he nods understanding. I also gave Carla a few days off since I'm off from work. She's done a lot for us the past couple of weeks and I feel like she deserves a break.

We drive to the house and settle in. Christopher goes to his room to read for a little bit while I make the living room look nicer since I just texted Eddie saying we are home. Because I told him when I text him that he can start making his way over.

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