Chapter 12

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A/N: hope you're ready for this chapter! Truth is gonna be revealed!

Anyways, enjoy!

Alyssa Pov

I'm currently dressed in a nice top and nice pair of pants. Carla helped me pick out my outfit for the interview and the tour! I pull into the parking lot with Carla in the passenger seat of my car. I told her she's coming, no matter what she said she would. She's a big part of Christopher's life since she helps me take care of him.

We walked to the front door and get buzzed in. I also heard that the school has wonderful security and the only way to get inside is to say who you are and if your name is not on the list, they don't let you in and you have to show ID to prove that you're that person.

First, they start with the interview, and they asked me some questions about myself, my life, what I do for a living and ask questions about my son. I answer all questions at the best of my ability. I feel like it went really well. Carla stayed in the waiting area since they just wanted it to be with the interviewer.

After we're done with the interview, me and Carla get a tour of the whole school. The school is perfect! This is everything I want for Christopher! We start making it to the outside area of the school

"Our grounds include two outdoor play areas, state of the art gymnasium, music, theater, full range of academic offerings, As well as behavioral and behavior and cognitive programs" she says

"Look um, the program sound good, but Christopher's happiness is what's important to me. I want him to feel normal and not be left out" I say

"every child is special and yes do have additional needs but they're all equally our children. We make sure no one feels left out and if they do always let us know. They learn as much from each other as they do us." She says

"I think Christopher would be well cared for" Carla says, and I nod agreeing with her

"Okay let's do it" I say Meaning that I want to enroll my child

"The only thing left would be the family interview" she says I'm off guard

"I'm sorry?" I say confused

"oh Christopher is terrific, We have your information. All we need now is to meet Mr. Nash" she says, shit!

"that won't be a problem will it" she asks and I nod no. I told her to give me a few minutes and we head back inside and I talked to Carla for a little bit.

"no it's definitely a problem" I say

"Look I know Christopher's father is a touchy subject with you, but I'm sure if we explain the situation to principal Summers we can find a way to work around it. Do you have a copy of a custody agreement?" She says and I look at her. I never told her that Christopher's father doesn't know he has a kid. I only told her he's just out of the picture.

"There isn't one, He doesn't know about Christopher. I never told him" I say she looks shocked

We go back to talk to the lady and I told her that I will call her back in a few days to schedule an interview with the father since he has a busy schedule with work, and I would have to talk to him. She understood and she told me to give them a call whenever I can and a spot will always be available for Christopher. She said if I go past a month then probably no. I told her I would not be that long.

I have to tell Eddie, I really want Christopher to go to the school and I think it's perfect for him. I just have to find a time when Eddie is not working to talk to him.

We start heading home, I sent Carla home for the day so she can spend it with her family while I sit in my living room and think. I can't talk to him today because Eddie's working tonight maybe tomorrow I don't know. Eddie works almost every day!

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