Chapter 11

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A/N: long chapter and important note at the end!

Alyssa Pov

Ahhh! It's almost Halloween! Christopher loves Halloween! His favorite thing is going trick-or-treating and making spooky treats with me. I like to make spooky and healthy treats around Halloween time and Christopher loves helping me make them.

Me and Christopher are both doing a lot better. Christopher is back in school and I am officially back to work. In two days I have the interview with the new school so I'm hoping everything goes well.

I am currently in the kitchen with Carla and Christopher carving pumpkins. Me and Christopher always carved pumpkins every year and sometimes my dad would join. But tomorrow night we're going over to Athena's and we're going to carve pumpkins with them also.  But Christopher also wanted to do it with just me and Carla.

I carved a moon with stars around it, Carla carved a jack-o'-lantern face, and Christopher tried to carve a cat face with the help of me and Carla. They all turned out really good, Christophers came out really good.

When we finished, I put them outside on the porch while Carla cleaned up the dining room, since it was kind of a mess. After I'm done putting them on the porch I come back inside to help Carly clean up but stop whenever I realize what time it is.

"Oh I have to go to work soon. I'm so sorry, I wanted to help you clean but I realize if I don't start getting ready now I'm gonna be late" I say and she nods

"It's ok, you can go get ready. I'm fine here." She says and I nod.

I hop in the shower and then start getting ready for work. My routine to get ready for work is not that much.  First thing I do take a shower and after I put my uniform on and fix up my hair. After that, I pack some snacks and my water and make my way to the station. I'm working a night shift 12 PM tomorrow so then I can spend the evening with Athena and her family. My dad's doing the same shift as me. My shift starts at five and ends tomorrow at 12 PM. And you might think that's kind of long. I've done longer shifts where I've been gone for 24 hours. Those can be brutal. But sometimes you're gone more than that due to some calls that take longer. I once had a call that took 14 hours to take care of and my shift was supposed to be only eight hours. Things happen.

I make my way into the station and head to the locker room. I put on my proper uniform that I keep here at the station and then head upstairs to meet the others.

"Hello" I say once I get to the top and I see all of them hanging in the kitchen

"Hey, how was your day" my dad says

"I was good, I carved pumpkins with Christopher and Carla" I say and show them pictures I took all my phone

"Those look really good, I love the cat face one" Hen and Chim says

"the cat face was actually Christopher. He's gotten better at carving pumpkins. Me and Carla did help at certain points but he's gotten a lot better." I say

"Well I can't wait to see him tomorrow night, I can ask him for some tips on how to do carving better" my dad says and I nod

"You can, the only place he struggles with is the small spaces. That's where me and Carla had to come in to help." I say and he nods.

"So Alyssa any plans for Halloween" Hen asks

"well, taking Christopher trick or treating and probably gonna watch some spooky movies with them that are made for his age though" I say and they nod. I took Halloween off so I can spend it with him. I'm working a morning shift though, so I can have late afternoon night time off so I can spend Halloween with him.

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