Part 3: Shattered Twilight (Chapter 22)

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"Nothing unusual about loud noises coming from your room. You have a reputation," she shrugged when Roza gave her a strange look.

Instead of just situating herself on the bed, Roza walked over to her cabinet, reaching into the depths of the specific section and drawing out a big bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. "They sell this stuff everywhere in Vivace. I just had to get it imported for the winter festival and stole a bottle for myself." She did not bother to get a wine key, rather just popped it open and let the cork hit the roof and fall down somewhere- She would pick it up later. Roza brought the opening to her nose, inhaling the scent. She made a noise of approval, and then threw the bottle at Gwen.

"What the hell? Aren't you concerned it's going to spill?"

"You have perfect reflexes. I'm not worried."

Indeed she was right. Nothing had spilled. Gwen, without a word, placed the corkless bottle onto a small circular table and drew out two chairs; Roza grabbed two glasses from the top of the cabinet. She set them down roughly, the glasses clinking together before steadying.

Gwen began pouring Roza's glass. "Drinks before dinner? Are we really this bad?"

"I don't see a problem. Take it up with Corinne if you want. My house goddess made me this way." in seconds, the dark, rich ruby red liquid disappeared.

There was a loud noise near the entrance of the room. "Roza, if I may have a word with you-"

The door suddenly flew open, and there stood Nicholas Yan, dumbfounded by what he was encountering.

The Storm Witch stood up, slapping her hands on the surface of the table. "By Corinne's hand, Nicholas, learn to knock on a woman's door before entering their chambers. I thought I was the only one who barged into people's rooms."

Nicholas stood in the doorway, and simply entered, wordlessly. He spared a glance at the fancy bottle resting on the table, but made no comment. Instead, he handed her a sealed envelope, with a pretty gold wax emblem, and muttered his apologies and goodbyes. Gwen could hardly contain her laughter. Even a prince with a status like his was easily flustered by Roza's cold approach to everything.

"What's this, now?" Roza grabbed a letter opener, slicing the wax seal cleanly off the envelope. She tossed the seal into the bin, uncaring. She ripped the contents of the envelope out, and smoothened the creased paper over her leg, dropping the letter opener to the floor in the process.

Gwen peered over the opposite side of the table. It was difficult to see the contents of the letter from her angle, but thankfully, after a few moments Roza passed the letter to her.

They both had largely the same reaction. "Damnit Sylas, you really just had to keep this under wraps for so long?" Gwen groaned.

"At least we get to see Bernadette again. She is quite lovely."

"You just want another person to drink with you. Bernadette is the saddest drunk I have ever seen. Give her three drinks and she becomes a depressed cat, four and she becomes a wild card. I know what you're trying to do."

"Me? Start a party outside the main banquet? Never!" She batted her eyelashes, feigning innocence. "In addition, James is coming, which means we may get to see what five-drink Bernadette is like."

Gwen rolled her eyes, but it was more fondness than annoyance. "I'll leave you to it. But we should inform everyone in our breakfast council about what's happening. Luck favours the prepared, and we're going to need a lot of it in a few days."


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