♡ Chapter 2 ♡

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' Scar had woken up in the middle of the night to his feeding pump softly beeping. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at it, seeing the batteries were about to die. He sat up, gently moving Grian's wing off his chest and opened a drawer, grabbing some batteries and put them on the machine, tossing the old ones. '

' He yawned and rubbed his eyes again, seeing it was about 3am and sighed. He got up, leaning on his cane and rolled his pump with him as he went to the balcony. He leaned on it, smiling as he stared up at the moon; how it radiated its bright and beautiful light down onto the ice of the castle, making it practically sparkle. He pulled out his communicator, taking a picture of how beautiful it was. '

' He hummed softly, smiling as Jellie walked out and jumped up on the railing, sitting beside his arm. He sighed, rubbing her head. '

' "I really wish he would realize how much I love him.." Scar gazed over back into the room, sadness in his eyes as he saw the avian curled up on his bed. '

' He picked up Jellie and had her sit on his shoulder, wheeling over the pump and leaned on his cane as he walked back in. He sat on the bed, gently stroking Grian's beautiful and big wings. He watched how Grian curled up more, making a little chirp in his sleep. '

' "You cute little pesky bird.." He leaned forward, kissing Grian's forehead softly before he laid down, putting the wing back on top of him and fell back asleep. '

. . .

' Grian woke up the next morning, whining and stretching as he fluttered his wings. He sat up, groaning and popped his back, letting his wings lay limp behind him on the bed. He looked around, seeing Scar asleep beside him with Jellie in hiding arms. He smiled, gently rubbing his head. His eyes narrowed as he felt.. sick? '

' What was he feeling? He felt sick, but it was also a nice feeling. He stared at Scar, feeling himself blush as he looked at him. He was gorgeous. Not in the usual friend way he knew, but.. '

' He shook his head, whining as he flapped and aggressively scratched at his head wings, whining from how itchy they were. He looked down at the bed, gasping as he saw a ton of bed mites. '

' He squeaked, jumping off the bed and went around, picking up Scar and sighed in relief when he saw no mites on him. He put him down in his wheelchair, changing the sheets and burned the others. He hummed as he picked up Scar, taking him down to his shower and gently woke him up. '

' "Scarr, wake uppp.." Scar groaned, rubbing his eyes and looked around. '

' "Wha..?" Grian smiled, ruffling Scar's hair. '

' "Come on! Shower timee!" Scar smiled, stretching and yawned. '

' He woke up fully and sat up more, disconnecting his feeding tube and oxygen, sighing in relief as he got up and went into the bathroom. Grian stayed outside, wanting to make sure he was ok before leaving. '

' Grian whined, aggressively scratching at his head wings and his back wings, whimpering. He shook his wings, seeing mites fall and gasped. He picked them up, burning them with a lighter and whined. He glanced at the door, wincing before running off to his own base. He hissed at how itchy he was, running to his bathroom and turned on the water, not even waiting for it to warm up and leaned back over the tub, splashing his wings in and dunked his head back, sighing from the relief. '

' He shook his wings in the water before sitting up, taking off his sweater and started to deep clean his wings. He took about 4 hours to, completely having ignored anyone at his door or his communicator. He hated whenever he got flees or mites, they always hurt and were really uncomfortable. '

' "Grian? You ok in there mate?" Grian whined, fluttering his wings and got water all over the room. '

' "I'm fine, Mumbo!" Grian trapped his wings under his shirt, whining as he walked out and sighed. '

' "Woah! You get flees again?" Grian nodded, groaning as he rubbed his eyes. '

' Mumbo chuckled, rubbing Grian's hair. '

' "You stupid!" Grian giggled, hugging him tightly. '

' "I gotta get back to Scar and make sure he's ok. I think-" Suddenly, a red and bold message spammed everyone's communicators. '


' Grian gasped, untucking his wings and flung himself out of his base, flapping his wings fast and using Rocket's to go faster as he flew there. He crashed into the balcony, rushing in and saw X and Tango there, one holding him down as he seized, the other pushing dr^gs into his iv. '

' "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Tango looked over, gulping as he checked Scar's pupils. '

' "We were talking about Decked Out and he suddenly fainted and started seizing!" Grian rushed over, pushing X aside and held down Scar. '

' After a bit he suddenly stopped and laid limp, his chest barely rising and his heart a bit slow. Grian teared up, giving Scar his oxygen piece and nuzzled his neck; to which, it made his heart start beating faster. Tango checked his pupils again before sighing in relief. '

' "He's fine.." Grian kept nuzzling Scar before sitting down above his head, holding him in his lap and wrapped his wings around him. '

' He realized his heart rate raised more and so did his chest, to which he curiously chirped. Tango and X gave eachother a knowing look before chuckling. '

' "We'll stay for a while longer just incase, we'll be around the theme park. " Grian nodded, looking down and gently petting Scar's head once the two left. '

' He smiled, purring and fluffed up his wings to keep him warm in his sleep. He hesitated before slowly starting to sing, watching as Scar's breath calmed a bit as he did. '

"Oh, beautiful poison tree, let your power grow in me.." He sang softly, knowing it was a song that always calmed Scar down whenever he sang it. '

' Grian sighed softly as he finished the song, yawning. It wad about 3pm, but he was randomly tired. He hung his head a bit, slowly dozing off. '

1053 Words

Obsessive Love Disorder | HC9 ScarianWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt