♡Chapter 1♡

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' GoodTimesWithScar, the head of the theme park Scarland. He sat up in his office as people filed into the park once its doors opened, turning on the intercom and said his usual enthusiastic morning greeting to the guests, show times at the theater, and the weather for the day. He turned off the intercom and sighed, perking up as he heard a knock on the door. '

' "Come in!" He watched the door open, seeing the avian he had the biggest crush on walk in. '

' He smiled and wheeled over, opening up his arms. '

' "Grian! Good to see you!" Grian smiled, adjusting his sweater and stood in front of Scar. '

' "What brings you here?" Grian cleared his throat. '

' "I came to ask if you wanna go play Decked Out. Tango has an audience watching today, and people wanted to learn from us as a training program." Scar gasped, his eyes lighting up. '

' "ReallY?!" His voice cracked from excitement, perking up. '

' "Oh I'd love to!" Scar wheeled over to his desk, putting some papers to the side and send a message to his workers that he was going to be out most of the day. '

' He grabbed his cane and elytra, putting his wheelchair into his inventory and jumped out his window, smiling brightly as he flew with Grian to Decked Out. '

' "I haven't flown in so long!" Grian chuckled from how excited Scar was, giving him some more rocket's as they flew off to the large castle. '

' They flew into the castle, slowing down and landed on the trophy room, a bunch of random people with note pads listening to Tango. He smiled when he saw Grian and Scar, waving them over. '

' "And here we have our examples!" The people all whispered to themselves, some getting excited. '

' Tango popped his back and walked over, shaking both of their hands. '

' "I got your desk waitin' for ya!" Scar smiled, thanking Tango and picked up his desk, sorting through it. '

' Tango talked to the people for a bit before Grian put in his deck and started his run. Tango took them up to a stone room, where they all pressed a command block that took them to spectator mode, and they flew around and watched Grian's run. '

' He did well, he evaded the ravengers and warden, got a good artifact, and got out in a well time. Scar smiled, going back to adventure mode and greeted Grian, who was panting while clutching his artifact. '

' "That Warden was terrifying-!" Everyone laughed, and Grian deposited his artifact and bought some cards and a crown, wearing it on his head with a smug smirk. '

' Scar chuckled, ruffling Grian's hair and gazed at him fondly. He saw some people staring at them and winked, putting a finger over his lips and smiled. He picked up his desk, depositing some cards and sighed, popping his back before hopping in the minecart, waving as he started his run. '

' He was kicked out of the minecart and sighed, putting on a little peg on his cane that made it silent as he grabbed his compass, being very quiet as he ran around following the compass, picking up berries, coins, and a low-tier artifact on his way. He gasped when he came across the Warden, squinting to see through how dark it was and stayed as quiet as he could, taking very slow and quiet steps. He found the place to put thr compass and dropped it, getting a high-tier artifact and smiled. He took a step and heard a skulk sensor, freezing up and looked around. He saw the Warden come running over and screamed, laughing as he ran. '

' "Noooo please please this is such a good run! Oooh please don't kill me Mr Wardennn!!" He shrieked from the sonic boom barely missing him, running to the exit and hid behind a wall. '

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