3- Taking Care of Things

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Chapter TW- mentions and insinuates attempted r@ pe/non consentual acts

The hallway was quiet, and the elevator too. Heading to the 53rd floor, you couldn't help but feel sorry for the gals and wanted to defend them as much as you could. You always did your best to keep them their company and motivation, which seemed to help I'm the long run. There was only about 4 females in the software design department, and 2 being in IT on your floor. It wasn't the biggest of diversity, there being a total of around 47 people throughout the entire floor. There was 17 people in the software design department, 16 in your department, and 14 working in IT. Just a few floors away was an entire IT department on one floor. There was a huge team of them and some software engineers too. With such a large tech company, many floors were full of severs to run the duel disks off of, along with them holding information that directly linked to Domino City.

Arriving at your floor, you headed straight to your destination to greet the women affected this morning. You knocked before entering, their heads quickly jolting to the door and seeing you stand by the frame of it. Their faces lit up a bit to see you, but we're more or less concerned why you were here.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" A woman spoke up, standing up from her desk and walking towards you. She pulled down her sleeve a bit and held her arms together.

"I'm just visiting. I heard a rumor from a couple men earlier that half of the department was being fired here. I wanted to personally see who was getting their ass kicked." You chuckled softly, trying to ease up the room. It could be seen that everyone in the room was feeling tense from something. Trying your best, you lifted the tight air to comfort them as best as possible. After a moment, the three other woman stood up from their desk and walked up to you. You all stood by a small table by the entrance of their office. The table had a white board on it and some notes sprawled everywhere.

Looking around the room, there was many empty areas. As the woman noticed you looking, a somber expression came upon their face. You sighed, and got a bit closer to them, leaning in to whisper.

"Look, the president updated me with everything that happened this morning. Please, don't be afraid to speak up. If they touched any of you," you paused, lifting your hand up in a fist and furrowed your brows.

"If any of those vile bastards did anything, know that I'll do anything in my power to get you justice." Your voice was low and full of rage, clenching your teeth. Relaxing your body, you remembers Kaibas words about not touching anyone and keeping your hands to yourself. The last thing either you wanted was violence.

The women looked around as well before leaning in again towards you. Their eyes seemed to be full of fear, but opened up knowing that the men would be gone anyways. One spoke up in a whisper.

"He followed me into the bathroom.." she paused and pulled her hand up to her mouth. You set your hand on her shoulder and rubbed them gently, giving your full attention. The other ladies around looked at her with concern in their eyes, showing comfort and compassion. The woman who was talking lifted her hand off her mouth and her voice was beginning to tremble a bit.

"I was washing my hands, and I suddenly felt something over my mouth. His hand reached up and.." She closed her eyes and shook her head, looking down, not being able to speak anymore. Your hands stayed on her shoulders, gently rubbing before you stepped closer and pulled her in for a hug. Her arms lightly wrapped around you for comfort. Rage, rage was all you could feel build up in your body. You glanced at the others around the two of you.

"Do any of you have any similar experiences? Please, I need to know so we can punish those sick bastards." You spoke softly, trying to keep your composure as you lightly rubbed the back of the woman you were currently hugging. She lifted her head and spoke for the rest of the group.

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