2- Unexpected Work

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Chapter TW- mentions and insinuates non consentual acts

Also A/N - Enjoy my drawing of Kaiba on my friends white board <3

Waking out, the receptionist sitting outside his office was missing. There was a small note on her desk saying she was out for lunch. It was around that time, and Roy had lunch for you made already. Eager to get munch on that bento box, you hurried back to your department to devour what Roy made for you. You didn't even look into the bento, the bow was too pretty to destroy just yet. Half of the department was out for lunch now and Roy was sitting across your desk with his bento unopened, waiting for your arrival. He looked at the door frame to see you come in and waved like a little child seeing you. Your bento was in front of him too, the bow was taken off and it looked like he already heated it up for you.

"You really didn't have to." You said sitting down and reaching to grab your lunch. Roy just smiled and motioned for you to grab a pair of utensils and dig into it. It really didn't bother him to make you lunch every once in awhile, but you felt bad that he would take time out of his morning to make something for you. The box had some mini home made corn dogs and sugar coated fried carrot slices. It all looked absolutely delicious and rewarding. On the side was also some one bite omurice coated with some siracha that made a happy face. The meal really lifted your mood and made the morning way better. You couldn't wait and dug into it as soon as Roy started taking a few bites of his meal. The omurice melted in your mouth and you couldn't help but slump in pleasure and sigh.

"Roy, this is so good, you have to give me cooking lessons sometime." You said covering your mouth, trying to chew your food and talk because it was too good to not consume immediately.

"Only if you tell me your mother's stuffed bell pepper casserole recipe. That shit will make me feral." He said chuckling and covering his mouth as well, speaking after chewing though. He could tell how much you enjoyed the meal and how it was such a stress reliever to drown out the staff here with good food. At the mention of the casserole, you raised your eyebrows and spoke sarcastically to him.

"And when pigs fly," you replied to him, finishing up your lunch and the coffee Roy had gave you earlier. He shook his head and crossed his arms shortly finishing his food.

"Then I'm not giving you my cooking lessons. It's a secret for a secret." He teased and stared me down with a smirk. The man really wanted the recipe, but it was so simple how to make it. The secret ingredient was tomato paste with cream of mushroom soup. It wasn't really that much of a change between other recipes, only having the mushroom soup added into it. The casserole was always a party treat when you went anywhere for potlucks.

The folder was sitting on the edge of your desk away from you and Roy, but Roy noticed it being back, thinking that the president mustn't have wanted it yet. He took a tipn to ask about it.

"Not to change the subject but, did the president not want the department report?" It wasn't that he didn't want it, but that the meeting was postponed. You couldn't exactly tell him the full details, but fire would spread soon and everyone would find out about half of the software team being terminated. You simply shook your head and replied to him.

"No, the meeting was postponed. Something came up with one of the departments. Can't go much into detail but it seems like I have to put the report on the side. I worked on it all morning for what? I could have done a shit ton of other things.." The fork of your bento sat in an empty container, picking it up, you twirled it around to fidget with it. You sighed, it was a bit of a heavy sigh, but only because there really was a lot more things that could have been done instead of wasting your time. You hated wasting time.

"What has the department gotten done in the mean time? Did you finish the project for launching a new web design to the IT? We have to get that done before we work on the new launch of Duel Disks. It's supposed to have its launch in Kaiba Land and set up a new tournament with it. I guess he really wants to target the younger demographic this time." You dropped the fork into the bento and closed the top of it, pushing it forward to get out of your way and slide the folder from the side of you closer to view it again. There wasn't much to look at, it was the same thing over and over, updated progress on projects and individual tasks being performed to maximize efficiency and work during the day. Why did he mark the report as if he was grading you? The man was cunning and smart, maybe you should take another look at the previous report. Roy sat there in front of you still, putting away his bento and leaning back.

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