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How fricking lesbian coded of us. We've practically spent all day together; we walked through central park and ended up stopping for coffee... Reneé and her damn hangover, it was actually quite cute. Jesus Christ, I sound so soft but how can I not when I'm now on my way to Reneé's apartment. After spending all day around the city, she suggested coming over and how could I not. I was just in the best mood, until fuck did I just see a flash. Yep, okay that's definitely a paparazzi, I stiffened slightly and tried to focus on what Reneé was talking about.

"y/n, are you even listening right now?" she asked smiling, tilting her head cutely.

"Yeah, sorry what did you say?" I say looking towards her, but she caught the discomfort in my eyes, as I dropped her hand. She slowed down walking as she turned to me.

"Hey what's wrong" she said softly.

"Oh nothing I just saw a pap, I haven't seen them in a while, because I'd gotten used to things at home again, and it just took me by surprise, and we're on a date and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, especially if they catch wind of us-"

"Woah, slow down honey," she cut off my rambling, with a beaming smile, "you don't need to explain yourself to me. I completely understand, and when it comes to you and me, don't worry about it, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." she comforts me, making all my worries wash away, as she puts her arm around me and carries on walking at our usual pace.

"You're just perfect aren't you." I sigh happily.

We're sat on the sofa, in Reneé's apartment watching some show called Shark Tank. I have no idea what it is, but Reneé was shocked when I told her I'd never heard of it and was adamant on showing it to me. For some reason, I've gone all weird and anxious again and I don't know why, because we had such a good day and everything just felt so seamless.

"You're sat so far away' she pouts. I smirk and open my arms for her.

"Nothing's stopping you from coming here" I quirk my brow, and she rolls her eyes as she lays, cuddling into my chest, as my arms wrap around her. I start stroking my thumb on her hip, and can't help myself from looking at her as she watches the show.

She notices I'm not really paying attention, and huffs "What's going on up there y/n?" she asks slightly concerned.

"I don't know, I think I just feel on edge since seeing the Paps, I don't know it just makes being back in the States, a lot more real. It sounds silly I know" I smile weakly.

"It doesn't sound silly. It must be a big adjustment coming back here, after being back home for quite a while," she sympathises, understanding as I had shared a bit about home, earlier on today.

"Yeah I guess I'm just now realising I'm going to miss how peaceful England can be. But I'm excited to be here too, like last night meeting everyone has made me think this is going to be a lot better than the last time I was here working."

"Oh yeah," Reneé smirks "meet anyone cool?"

"Hmm, cool isn't how I'd put it." I joke, pretending to think of someone.

"Shut up loser." she laughs lightly hitting my chest, as she sits up a little bit on her elbows , whilst still kind of laying on me, but now looking down at me.

"You're so beautiful Reneé." I say without even thinking. Fucking hell, she's right I am a loser. I start playing with her necklace, not wanting to look her in the eye, but I can't help myself. I look up and she has such a pure expression in her eyes.

"I'm so happy I met you y/n. " she sighs glancing down at my lips. Did she just, no of course she didn't.

"Oh yeah?" I ask timidly barely above a whisper, she looks down to my lips again. Well there's no mistaking that now, and I can't help but look down to her naturally full, pink lips too. I can't help myself starting to lean in and she follows suit. I can feel her breath on my lips and I part my lips, about to close he gap between us.

We jump apart at the sound of my phones ringing. I throw my head back sighing in frustration as she groans annoyed. She passes me my phone, from the coffee table and I catch the look on her face as she sees the contact.

I mouth a 'sorry', as I answer Flo's call, and she goes to begrudgingly get off me, but I firmly keep my arm around her and pull her closer to me. I catch her smiling, as she returns to cuddling back into my chest.

"Hey bubs," I feel Reneé stiffen slightly at the nickname, "I miss talking to you what's up?" I roll my eyes at Flo's dramatics.

"We literally spoke this morning" I laugh.

"Sooo" she drags out.

"Well I'm busy, so I'll call you later yeah." I say kindly to my bestie.

"Urgh fine, love ya hun."

"Love you too Flo, bye." with that I hang up and put my phone down.

"Who's Flo?" she asks nonchalantly.

"Oh my best friend from home."

"You sure she's just a best friend?" she asks suspiciously and I quirk my eyebrow, was she jealous?

"Yes" I say confidently smiling at her as she cuddles back into me. I kiss the top of her head, as she mutters an "okay."



Also someone please help me, is this story going to slow? Please let me know what you think about the pace in general, and any other suggestions you may have.

Much love, please vote, comment, like.

M x

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