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I woke up with memories of last night flooding my mind. Reneé had her hands on my waist as she danced close to me and Alyah and Alexander really immersed me into their group, we joked around as if I'd been friends with them for years. Isaac was right, me and Alyah got on so well, she's definitely one of the most genuinely, good people I've met through the business. Alexander and I also had many laughs last night, as we goofed around all night on the dance floor.

But Reneé, just the thought of her has me smiling ear to ear like an idiot. She's just something else... the way we danced, hell the way her protective side came out when the crowd was getting a bit too much; she made sure to stay close to me, which made my heart melt. Fuck did I even get her number? Everything is a little fuzzy from last night. Just as I was reaching for my phone, it rings and I see one of my besties Facetiming me.

"Flo this better be good, my head is foggy and I knackered" I say sarcastically.

"Shut up you love hearing from me stink" she whines, she's right though I do love when we get to facetime, since our schedules haven't been aligning recently. She is one of my best friends ever, well actually all her siblings are. We all grew up together, I lived down the street from them as kids and even though she's like 4 years older than me, the two of us are definitely the closest of the bunch. Toby is like an older brother and Raffie, whilst also a bestie, is such little sister energy.

"HELLOOOO, earth to y/n!!" she giggles.

"Yes yes I'm here, what's up how's everything on set?" I ask

"Oh same old same old.. No but seriously I love this project so much!! Buttt how are, how's the city so far?" I smile peevishly at that question and she quirks her eyebrow.

"Y/n you haven't even been there 24hrs yet!! Who's the girl? " she exclaims laughing. I start telling her all about the event Isaac took me to and all the new people I met. I tell her all about Alyah, gushing about how I think I've found my people in NYC and then I finally tell her about the blonde she was dying to hear about.

"That's it really." I smile not meeting the her prying eyes.

"What do you mean that's it!?  You're telling me you spent all night flirting with THE Reneé Rapp, the pinnacle of every queer girls dreams!!"  Wait really?? Sure I've heard her name before, but not enough to know face to name, or know a lot at all really.

"You were practically just pouring your heart out talking about her and you're saying that's it. Did you even get her number?" Flo yells, clearly very invested, as I haven't spoken about anyone like this in so long.

"I don't remember asking for it, so I guess not.." I sigh.

Florence eventually drops the subject, catching that I was starting to worry about it all and didn't want me getting in my head about it. We fall into conversation, about everything and nothing, catching up on our families and mutual friends. I love having long chats with her, it always feels just so comfy and familiar. After some time we end the call, but not before promising to update her about what happens with Reneé. I roll my eyes, because obviously I'll be doing that anyway, especially every time I start freaking out & overthinking. Knowing me that'll no doubt be often.

It's about 11.30am now, and I've showered, dressed and just finished the room service I ordered for late breakfast. Unsurprisingly I don't really feel hungover at all, I felt a little groggy in the morning, but I can handle my alcohol. I'm wearing denim jorts, a plain cropped T-Shirt, with black adidas trainers. I'm just finishing up the black eyeliner in my waterline (the only makeup I really felt like doing today, with a simple brown lip liner) when I receive a text.

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