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The walk back is shrouded in a heavy, suffocating silence, the unspoken tension hanging thick between us. As I trail behind Hannah, I become an unnoticed shadow, my steps echoing the distance that has grown. Our return to the room where our parents await is met with an oppressive stillness, a palpable discomfort that lingers in the air. Dad, his face etched with anger, shatters the quietude as soon as we enter.

"Where were you? We were worried sick," he demands, the visible distress etched on his face.

"With my mate," I retort, meeting his gaze defiantly.

"The sooner you reject her, the better for you," Dad advises sharply.

"I will never reject her. Alice is my mate, and if I become Alpha, she'll be my Luna, not Hannah," I declare, casting a disdainful glance at Hannah, who wears a pained expression that goes unnoticed by me.

"Alice can't be Luna; that position belongs to Hannah!" Dad insists, his voice raised.

"No, it doesn't," I argue back.

"As the eldest son, you should be willing to marry Hannah for the pack. I don't recall raising a capricious heir!" he admonishes, his frustration boiling over.

"Maybe you did, maybe you fucking did," I retort sharply, the weight of my words causing gasps to fill the room. Dad's eyes widen in disbelief, attempting to find words, but Mom intervenes in a soft, pleading tone.

"Alex," she calls out, reaching out to me, but I step away, out of her reach.

"I get why you're against this marriage, but it's a done deal now. Instead of resisting, why not give Heisley a chance? I've heard she's a genuinely nice girl," she suggests, and I turn my head in shock, astonished that she could speak positively about Hannah. The same girl who makes my mate's life a living hell.

"A nice girl?" I question, raising an eyebrow at my mother.

"Yes, despite the stories, I choose not to believe them," she replies calmly.

"You don't believe them?" I ask, incredulous.

"No, I don't."

I stare at my mother in disbelief. After all the tales we've heard about Hannah, it seems impossible for her to hold such a perspective.

"Why?" I press.

"I just do," she says, casually shrugging her shoulders.

"You just do?" I query, arching a skeptical brow, and she nods. I scrutinize my mother, sensing that something is amiss. There's an uneasy feeling about this alliance with Hannah.

"Is there something I should know?" I ask, locking eyes with my parents, my curiosity pushing me to uncover what they might be hiding.

My father's eyes widen at my question, and I observe his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard. My mother diverts her gaze away from me, connecting eyes with my father. They exchange a silent conversation, speaking volumes without uttering a word. I knew it – this marriage holds more significance than just uniting two packs. There's a hidden reason why Hannah is the chosen one for me.

"I know you dislike her, but do you truly despise her enough to snatch her mate away?" I question, gazing into her eyes, searching for any sign that my words have struck a chord. She remains silent, and I sense her contemplating my words deeply. I believe I've reached her when she pulls away and walks over to my parents. A small smile plays on my lips; if I can't halt this marriage, perhaps she can.

"I appreciate your consideration, but I truly believe my sister would be a better fit as Alex's Luna," Hannah states, and my mom's eyes shoot to mine, glaring with clear irritation that I managed to persuade Hannah to reject them.

My dad begins to respond to her when a sharp slap echoes through the room. I gasp as I witness Hannah's face bears the imprint of her father's hand.

"Useless child! You couldn't even take responsibility for the pack and form the alliance we need. What kind of alpha's daughter are you?" Her father bellows, seething with anger. Hannah, hands on her cheeks, gazes at her father in complete shock.

My parents exchange uncomfortable glances, wearing the same shocked expressions. I sense my mother's disapproval as she shakes her head, moving toward them.

"Why don't we continue this discussion another time?" my mom suggests to Alpha Henry, Hannah's father.

"That seems like a good idea," Luna Sharon adds, approaching her mate and daughter. She grabs Hannah's hand in a tight grip. "Goodnight, everyone."

With that, she pulls Hannah out of the room, her mate following closely behind. The door closes, leaving the lingering tension of the unexpected events in the room.

I let out a heavy sigh, running my hand through my hair. The image of Hannah's father striking her lingered in my mind. It's unbelievable that he would hit his own daughter. This surprises me, especially considering Alice has mentioned how much he adores her. I'm genuinely shocked he would raise his hand against her. Or could it be that Alice was lying? Hannah's mom, too, pulled her out of the room rather roughly, and she didn't seem surprised to witness her husband striking their precious daughter. However, Alice wouldn't lie to me. She wouldn't.

"You must reject Alice tomorrow," my dad declares, jolting me from my thoughts.

"What?" I stare at him, incredulous. Hannah had just been physically assaulted, and instead of reconsidering, my dad is pushing for me to reject Alice the next day. It's beyond comprehension.

"Tomorrow we're announcing your engagement to Hannah to the world," he states, as if it's a matter of fact.

"You're joking," I protest, the absurdity of the situation sinking in.

"Prepare for your engagement photo shoot with Hannah first thing tomorrow morning," he instructs before leaving the room with my mom, leaving me alone.

I collapse onto the couch, a sense of defeat washing over me. The reality of this forced marriage, the assault on Hannah, and the pressure from my parents leave me feeling trapped.

"No! You can't accept it. You must fight," Eden, my wolf, urges.

"What choice do I have?" I respond, sinking deeper into the couch. "My parents are determined to make this marriage work, whether I like it or not."

"Still, we can't just reject Alice as they want. She would be crushed."

"Don't you think I know that?" I snap, frustration and emotion lacing my voice. I run my palm across my face, shoulders slumping. "To make matters worse, they're threatening to take my inheritance. Do I really have a choice here, Eden? Do I?" The weight of the impending decision hangs heavily in the air, leaving me grappling with the harsh reality of my circumstances.

Eden remains silent, understanding the gravity of our situation. In that moment, my brothers enter the room, their expressions revealing that they've overheard our entire conversation from the next room.

"Are you really going to do it?" Lorenzo asks, his gaze fixed on me as I sit on the couch.

"At this point, I don't think what I want matters to our parents, so yes," I admit,

Cameron sighs, his frustration evident. "I can't believe our parents are doing this. They know the importance of being with your mate but still choose to make you suffer like this for the pack."

I stand, placing a reassuring hand on Cameron's shoulder. "It's okay, Cameron. What's done is done. Alice will still have both of you even if I reject her," I assure Lorenzo, attempting to ease the worry etched on his face.

"Still..." Lorenzo starts, but I give him a tight-lipped smile and move toward the door. Before stepping out, I address them.

"Please be there once I'm done," I request, leaving the room and making my way to the ballroom to find Alice. Eden urges me to reconsider, disagreeing with my decision, but I ignore him. I tell myself that my pack needs this alliance, and as the firstborn, I should bear the burden of losing my mate for them. Hopefully, I have the heart to carry out what I've decided.

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