All Star - Clyde Donovan

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Part 1 of 2

Clyde was South Park's All-Star football player, and the pitch was his kingdom, which he solely rules. He has it all, the looks, the body, the hottest girl in school, Bebe, who was also the head Cheerleader for the South Park Cows. He even had his college set out in front of him due to his skills for football, securing his future. He was truly living the dream of every young American stud.

On top of all of these, he was also kind, though sometimes boastful and an airhead, but he was a good kid, with a lot of compassion. Tonight though, all the above would be put to the test, as sometimes things are not what they seem to be, and life can cast a stone at you whenever you least expect it. Clyde's biggest concern was his silent friend, who he had a bit of a crush on. He considered it taboo, not the whole liking another guy part, but the fact that it could foil his carefully maintained reputation. He tries to write it off as an attractive guy himself, he was just simply and quietly admiring Dovah's looks, and his personality, and his body, thinking it was, in his words, "no-homo". The air-headed brunette was going to figure out eventually that these feeling were indeed, "full-homo".

It was the final week before Prom, nearly everyone in school was at full excitement, especially the more popular seniors, who were gloating that they'd be Prom King & Queen. Most if not all, were in pale comparison to the school's most popular couple, who were looking and acting straight from some shitty High School Musical ripoff.

Clyde was going to have his biggest game tonight, before High School ends. 'South Park vs Denver' was the biggest talk for the past month or so, having one final clash, before this generation of students pass on with their lives.

Clyde and his posse were walking to school on a fresh and crisp, Tuesday morning, talking about current affairs. "So I'm guessing you're taking Nichole to prom, Tolkien? Gonna' try and seal the deal too?" Clyde smugly asks, making a sexual innuendo at his best friend, who gave the slightly smaller brunette a halfhearted eye roll. "Seeing as we're dating, yes Clyde, I am taking her. And unlike you, I don't tell everyone when I'm going to stick my dick in my girl." Tolkien replies, taking a final drag from his cigarette, before passing it over to Dovah for a drag.

The mute silently thanked his friend, finishing it off in silence whilst the rest of his friends talked. Clyde, who didn't like the smell of smoke, found it very oddly appealing, watching Dovah place his lips around the cigarette. Shaking his thoughts, he kinda wanted to see if he could taste the other boy's lips from the cancer stick. "Hey pass it here, don't hog it all, loser!" Clyde whined, trying to snatch the smoke from Dovah's grasp, who purposely held it out of reach from the Football Captain.

"You don't smoke, shit for brains." Craig's nasally voice chirps in, lighting a cigarette of his own, and giving the bird when Clyde scowls at him. Tolkien pulls a confused face, looking at Clyde with suspicion. "Bro, you struggle eating hot chips without a pitcher of water by your side. A roll up would kill you." Tolkien jokes, gaining laughs from Tweek, who was sharing a smoke with Craig. Clyde was gonna argue that even Tweek got to smoke, but not him, but he knew better that the blonde may kick his ass, if he says it the wrong way.

"Yeah, well... I wanna try one now!" Clyde demanded, giving Dovahkiin a pleading look. The mute almost gave in, wanting to give the idiot the rest of his cigarette. But the more rational side told him that the athlete shouldn't risk the chance of repeating, causing an addiction. Dovah just tapped Clyde on the forehead with his index and middle finger, pushing him back next to Tolkien. His face scrunched up in discomfort, but didn't fight back against his friend, he was still upset though. He gets upset easily, which Dovah found slightly, and weirdly endearing. The brunette huffs in annoyance to his friends, refusing to speak with them any further on the way to school. Clyde was used to being worshipped at School by near everyone, that he forgets that his actual friends liked to humble him from time to time.

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