Chapter 33: Cruelty

Start from the beginning

Kelly: You know the bar you love going to?

Leone: No.

Kelly: Fraid so. Honest put another brothel there. Like there's already a ton of them. Why put one more?! And worst of all, one of our friends tried to talk to Honest. Next thing we knew, when it opened, she became one of their......*shudder*.....staff.

Leone grits her teeth and squeezes the bottle of water in her hand.

Leone: That no good pig! When will he stop being so selfish?!

Kelly: Probably the time when we can meet face to face with gods that aren't Earthen Spirits.

Sky: They're gods?

Sophia: Godly humans. Also, how are your Imperial Arms, girls?

Sky: Nice. You know, I used to wield Mastema. The one Run uses. But I wasn't good with multiple wing shots. These shoes are much better. They're now also trying to add in a Trump a card like Mastema's feather shooter.

Leone: Awesome! Turns out mine was made with an Earthen Spirit! So it's godlike.

Kelly: Cool! But Black Widow can take life force for me and even sap life.

Sophia: Amateurs. Umbra can manipulate the shadows and dark.

Sky: Wait. Shouldn't we be helping the assassins?

Leone: Oh, yeah. Thanks, Sky!

Then, Blue came inside with a shiny bottle of ointment, and dabs it on the people who were injured. Lubbock, Mine, Sayo, Ieyasu, and Sheele, with a bit for Kelly too. Soon, they all feel like their pain is fading away.

Leone: What potion, or ointment was that?

Sky: I dunno.

Leone: Eh. There's still some left. Maybe we can use it for Chelsea and Trent or something.


After a bit of time, the group and HR Generals were eating some food at the table, while Akame, Jun, Susanoo, and Declan were making more lunch. Najenda then comes out and gets a text from Jin. It was saying Jun allowed them to head back now.

Najenda: Everyone, I have some good news

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Najenda: Everyone, I have some good news.

Mine: We're getting a raise?

Najenda: Not yet. Jun gave he ok, and Jin and Tatsumi will be heading back today.

Everyone cheered, including Mine, even if she hated Jin more than Tatsumi.

Najenda: We'll be waiting a bit for them to come, but soon, they'll arrive with the reinforcements. So, we're having Susanoo prepare some extra and fancy food as a reward.

Ieyasu: What type of food?

Najenda: You'll find out soon, Ieyasu. But if we survive, it'll be food your village can get. Su? Are you done yet?

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now