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Thin lines and smoke. People hype it up so much that it dosent even look fun anymore. The Elites mansion is covered in party decorations. Drunk teenagers and college students dance out of rhythm to a horrible techno beat, multiple couples are eating each others faces in a corner, people are surrounding a round table with powder patiently waiting to get high. But that's not what I am here for. Not at all.

Cheering comes from one of the rooms. I calculate my steps as I walk through to make sure I am not seen by anyone I know. I gather behind the crowd to see a guy holding out a bottle of brandy and below him another guy. His mouth so pink and teeth so white as he opens wide. He was bending his back in order to understand the angle in which the guy with the bottle was going to pour brandy down his throat. Everyone began cheering "Chug! Chug! Chug!". I watch silently as the alcohol waterfalls down into his mouth, as his eyes close revealing his beautiful brown eyelashes and as his adam apple moves up while he consumes each last drop. Once he's done he straightens himself and shakes him head as everyone cheers. They surround him looking at him like he was a god while he shows off his perfect smile.

His dark hair and dimples attracts a red haired and blonde girl to fall at either of his sides. Tracing their hands from his neck, chest and lower. The urge to cut their hands off is strong but I have to remember I can't be seen. Definitely not by a certain someone.

"Your sister is going to kill you" a voice says behind me. Of course it had to be him out of all people to spot me. "Why would you care if I died Landon?" I turn around to face him. He's tall and I have to look up. The Kings are a family we are familiar with. Probably more than familiar considering we grew up with them. My sister made it a mission when we were younger to get close with all of them, but I never made an effort. I guess Landon saw that and decided to take me under his wing, we both have a knack for causing trouble. But as I got older I decided I wasn't going to be his sidekick. So I went off to do things on my own.
"It'd be a pain having to comfort everyone and bail Ava out off jail at the same time" Landon says with a smirk. He motions his head to the door. "Best get out of here before she finds out".
I roll my eyes "What are you doing at these parties anyways" I ask. He clears his throat dramatically "It's literally my house, that dickhead has got to learn to warn us about his parties".

He looks at me more sternly now "Remi isn't worth your time" he says. I look back at him. Landon isn't the type to give advice based on his actual opinions. He always plays a game where everyone in his life are pawns. But to see him speaking bluntly is... well unnerving. "I'll decide whether things are worth my time or not" I say and proceed to walk out the door.

I get into my Uber and open my phone. 9 missed calls from Dad. Shit. I call him and he picks up in 2 seconds. "Ariella." He says. "It's not a school night" I reply trying to feign an innocent voice. "Don't care. It's going to be 1am and your Mom is up worried sick." He says in a monotone voice, something Cole Nash is an expert at. "Sorry I'm on my way now" I say and hang up. I take one look back at the mansion and find Remi standing by the door with a girl kissing his neck. But his eyes.. his eyes are looking straight at me.

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