Chapter 1 Riders Arrived

Start from the beginning

"Let's get this over with." The Sting look alike said annoyed as he places his hands in his pockets.

They went foward, the guards then starts escorting them to their king. As they walked many of the people stared at them.

"They're staring." The blonde girl said.

"Just ignore them." The 13 look alike said.

They arrived at the castle to see the King Aeetes. "Greetings strangers."

"Greetings." The Byakuya look alike said.

"I am King Aeetes colchis you may speak your names."

"I am Kensuke Narukami the leader." The Byakuya look alike said.

"The names Sosuke Banjo." The young Shuichi Kitaoka look alike said.

"I'm Grif Simmons the muscles of the group." The Android 13 look alike said.

"My name is Keith Evans the stealth expect of the group." The Eddy look alike said.

"I am Alexis Travers the fencer of the group." The Android 18 look alike said.

"I'm Alfred Travers the spearman of the group and yes I am Alexis' brother." The Android 17 look alike said.

"I am Josha Jone though people call me J.J. for short and I am the Axeman of the group." The Gladion look alike said.

"I am Damien Clark and I am the knight of the group." Terry McGinnis look alike said

"My name is Ken Walters." The Alex Browning look alike said.

"I am Kosuke Ibuki a gladiator." The Setsuna look alike said.

"I'm Lilly Argos the chaotic beauty of the group." Lilly said laughing a bit.

"I am Bruce Raider the best swimmer of the group." The Shark look alike said.

"I am Jarvis Jones and I am good at getting us out of trouble though words." The Crow Look alike said.

"I am Ryusei Ramius." The Sting look alike said not bothering with saying something else.

"I am Jin Kujo and as for my skills I am good at fighting wither unarmed or with a weapon." Jin said.

"Well you seem to be a very interesting group, what brings you strangers to our land?" He asked.

"We are simply travelers, we came by mistake because one of our friends ran here." Jin glares at Lilly.

She simply sticks out her tongue at him causing Ryusei to chop her head lightly.

"Knock it off. Its your fault we're in this mess." Ryusei said annoyed.

"I see, your all strong warriors, would you be interested in a job?" The king suggested.

"What kind of job?" J.J. questions.

"You see, I have three children and they could get hurt from invaders, so I would like to request you be they're personal defenders." He said.

"Sounds interesting but why would you entrust us with this job?" Alfred questions.

"I can tell a good person, you all seem to have good hearts, and a woman being a fighter is rare." He said.

The girls nods.

"Speaking of being hired what would the pay be and would we have a place to live along with food?" Ryusei questions with a raised eyebrow.

"You can have rooms in the palace." He said.

"Thank you. Now should we meet with your children before accepting?" Kensuki asks.

They heard someone come in.

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