Chapter 8: Seizures

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I gradually wake up, my eyes fluttering open to the sterile white surroundings. The beeping of machines fills the air, and the faint smell of antiseptic lingers in the room.I feel this monotonous tightness in my chest, a lingering reminder of the panic attack that brought me here.

Taking in my surroundings, I notice the concerned look on my Dad's face by my side.
"Elena... you're awake" His eyes are filled with worry and relief, a mix of emotions that only a parent can truly convey. The sound of my own raspy breaths fills my ears, a reminder of my asthmatic struggle.

The hospital staff, clad in their scrubs, move around with a sense of urgency and care. They check my vitals, making sure am stable and comfortable. The sound of distant conversations and the soft hum of medical equipment create a backdrop of activity.

Luckily,my chest gradually loosens, aided by the medication and the comforting presence of my Dad.The staff then exit the ward. The hospital room seemed like a sanctuary,but I suddenly feel a splitting migraine and the bitter truth I found out today resurfaces on my mind.

Laying there, surrounded by the beeping machines and the scent of disinfectant, I get this feeling,like finding a glimmer of hope
Fully aware of the of the unavoidable pain this revelation is going to cause me, fondling to my Cannula,I brace up to overcome them, one breath at a time.
Turning to my Dad again, I can't help but imagine the stress it took him to get me here.
A scrub nurse walks over to my bedside
"It's time for your medication, and yeah, you've been asleep for 3 hours, so ensure to get something to go with the drugs too" She says meaningfully looking at my Dad.
"Okay,Elena,let me get you something, I'll be back in a jiffy." He says leaving the ward.
I sigh turning to the petite-looking nurse as she adjusts my IV. My racing heartbeat gradually calms down.

After awhile, my Dad comes back.
"Here, here's a little something for you"
He says solemnly dropping the plate of chicken nuggets on the counter beside my drugs.The nurse assists me in taking the drugs after munching on a few bites.... Urghh.. so nauseating..
I feel like am gonna puke with all this drug-swallowing.Sighing,I glance at the IV bag as it drops steadily, I feel it flowing into my blood streams.
"Dad.. I really can't take this anymore! The constant questions about my birth, the mockery from others... I need to find my own path." I said staring at my Dad as my mind resonates with the conversation we had before I blacked out.
.. what path.., I really didn't know..
"Elena, please listen. I understand that it's been tough for you, but leaving home might not be the solution. We can work through this together" My Dad says holding my right palm which was incredibly pale.

Tears roll down my cheeks.
"I appreciate your concern, Dad, but I need to figure things out on my own. I need to find my own identity and understand where I come from."

" I know it's been confusing for you, but remember that you're not alone in this. We love you, and we're here to support you no matter what."
.. I seriously wonder who he meant by we..

"I know, Dad, but I need some space to explore who I am. Living in the school dorm will give me that freedom."

" Alright, Elena. If that's what you truly feel is best for you, then I'll respect your decision. Just promise me that you'll stay in touch and keep me updated"

" Of course, Dad. I'll always keep you in the loop. Thank you for understanding."
The nurse stares at us, obviously disgusted by our PDA.Well,who cares, Display of affection wasn't something common among Nigerians, I and my Dad just happen to hit off great because he was my only available parent, playing both roles.

" So you know, emotional stress, anxiety and panic attacks can cause rapid breathing and chest tightness " She says lacing her words with sarcasm. Staring at my Dad meaningfully,she walks out of the ward.
My Dad ignores her, turning to me.
" It's cool,I think you should rest a bit, the head nurse said you'll be fine soon, and would be discharged tomorrow morning latest okay? "
I stare at him and nodded franctically.

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