The night of reckoning

Start from the beginning

Sokka:A glimpse of what?

Man:Two dead bodies were found in the square. One was in the fountain with his head under the water, missing an arm.

Sokka:Oh, that's uh... That's an awful way to leave this world.

Man:Believe it or not, that was the lucky one. The other was... something nobody should ever see... The corpse was smashed together, beaten to a pulp. Its arms and legs were twisted around the torso like a pretzel, there was blood everywhere! In all my travels, I've never seen something like that before.

Toph:That's horrible...What kind of person would do something like that?

Sokka:That doesn't sound like a person, maybe an animal but, if you ask me-

Toph:I didn't.

Sokka:This has 'spirit shenanigans' written all over its face!

Toph:Uh, spirits usually don't meddle with people. Especially not in such a barbaric way.

Sokka:It doesn't matter!Whoever, or whatever committed those murders is still out there. We should hurry to get out of its way so, you know, we don't end up the same way.

Toph:Wow, so brave, 'Captain Boomerang.

Man:But that's a wise choice, actually,something strange is happening on Ba Sing Se, I can tell. And I'm afraid we all will be caught in the middle of something far greater than ourselves...

Sokka's eyes snapped open at the sentence, his skin grew visibly paler as his body froze out of sheer dread. Toph simply gulped, maintaining silence in a way that was way too uncommon for her.

Man:But enough of that. Now, how about some cabbages to brighten your mood!?

Sokka:Um, maybe another time, thanks...

Sokka replied a bit awkwardly. The man gave a displeased huff and spun, facing his vending cart.

Sokka:Let's go back, Aang needs to hear about this.

Toph nodded, and the two of them quickly returned from the way they came, exiting the blocked alley, fading in the distance.

*Time Skip*

It was a quiet day in the 'Pao family' tea house.

The last customer had just left. Zuko picked up a couple of dishes on the table, placed them in a tray, and dragged his feet towards the counter.

Iroh:This is strange, usually, we get more customers at this time of the day.

Zuko:Good, that way we'll have less busybodies sniffing around.

Iroh didn't answer, he simply let out a deep sigh, watching as his nephew scrubbed a table with needless roughness.

But then, a sonorous creak echoed, and the front door slowly swung open.

Zuko raised his sight, huffing, mentally cursing at the idea of dealing with another annoying customer while he still was figuring himself out.

However, a freezing shiver traveled across his spine when he laid eyes on the newcomer who, much for his utter dismay, resulted to be that girl from last night, 'Jin', stepping into the shop.

Zuko grimaced and quickly lowered his head, hoping she wouldn't recognize him.

Surprisingly enough, there was no greeting or salute gesture.

They didn't even cross gazes as Jin walked to the corner table, sat down, then hugged herself while remaining crestfallen.

Unconsciously, Zuko stopped cleaning, fixating his gaze on her.

Hell upon the Avatar (Male Spawn Reader x Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now