part 4 *ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷

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“It's your ex-girlfriend, Mr. Kim!”

Hearing you, Taehyung wonders who you are talking about. Because he had never dated anyone in his life, so how come you are talking about his ex-girlfriend. Then something twinkles in his brain.

He runs towards the door, and pulls you inside. He didn't expect her to be here at this hour of the day.

“Are you that excited to see her?” Your question caught him off guard, maybe his reaction is to be blamed.

“It's not like that, y/-”

“Keep your excuses to yourself, I'm not interested.” You uninterestedly backed away, not even letting him explain himself.

“Tae-” Kwon Ara, one of the classmates of Taehyung, speaks with her eyes glistening, seeing him after almost a year and more.

“What are you doing here?” He really didn't think that at this moment of his life, she was needed here. Because he clearly remembers the last time she visited him, the hurdle in his life was disastrous.

“Tae, it's been almost two years since I last saw you. So I thought why not visit you before I go back to Japan. That's why I came. Won't you invite me inside?”

For that moment, he wished he couldn't. He didn't want her to be there.

“Yes, Tae. Why don't you call her inside, it's cold out there. She'll freeze to death standing there. Also, it's been two years as in twenty four months as in 730 days as in 17520 hours as in 1051200 minute-”

He places his hand over your mouth and pulls you inside the mansion.

“I don't care how many years or months or days have passed since she had last seen me, I don't want her to be here, that's what I want, okay.” He was done with his life!

“aha, I don't have any problem with her just because she's your ex-girlfriend. You can really call her inside.”

“First of all, she's not my ex-girlfriend, stop calling her that.”

“Oh, then is she your ex fiance or your childhood sweetheart? I really can't recall what you introduced her to me. What was it?” You couldn't enjoy more of his frustration and flustered self. He seemed speechless, and so done with you.

“Tae, I'm sorry. It was so cold outside that - I wasn't really eavesdropping.” Ara justifies herself as she had entered the mansion along with them.

“I told you!” Mumbling, you went from there. You had enough for the day, let the rest happen tomorrow.

“Your wife, she got the wrong impression of me because of last time. And I'm really sorry for that too. That's why I came here, I wanted to apologize properly to both of you.”

“It's okay. I'll take you to the guest room.” He knows what he is doing and what will be coming tomorrow if he lets her stay here. What if he has his own reasons, will you try to understand him?

“Thank you.” Ara tooks her own luggage bag and moves behind him. She was very familiar with this mansion and she had been here before too.

You took Taemin from his crib. “Champ, it's mumma again. Did you miss me? I missed you alot today.” You kept kissing his cheeks and eyeing the two people who just moved out of your sight.

“Do you know who's here? Devil Ara! I don't like her, so don't you dare betray mumma and be like your appa, do you hear me.” The baby once again giggled at his mother, who was bopping his nose.

“... And that's how I got you. Hmm, you are too small to know how, do you know that. But promise me that you'll always love your mumma no matter what. Show me, show me your pinky.” You talked to your son while changing him into the night wear, and the whole time Taemin also kept listening as if he was understanding your every word. He also showed his little finger, as if he's promising you of what you asked for.

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