part 3 *ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷

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“Forgive me, please.” Can you? Is it that easy? Can a sorry solve everything? For you, at the moment, it can't. A sorry can't fix up the mess created. It probably can't.

Jerking off his body over yours, you replied. “Show me.” With a look on his face, he tries to understand your words. “Prove me that you are sorry for your words, Taehyung. Because I can't trust you again.”

“I-. Okay, what can I do to prove that I'm sorry for my words.” He was to be sure quite astonished with the alluring aura of yours. He was seeing this for the first time.

“Will you do anything?”

“Yes-, I -”

“Alright, let's switch roles. You think you can do better than me, right? Then do it, better than me.” The spike of bitterness was high, man only if he knew you had this side too!

“What- but -”

“This only proves that you are not sorry, Taehyung.” This was going to be hard on both of you. It'll cost you pain too, to live happily again.

He has not yet opened up himself with you, and with his actions you know it well that he'll never. For that, you might need to do something. And you were ready for that. But this idiot self of him will trigger you more and more because you know that's how he is.

“Okay, I'm sorry. I really am. Why can't you see that? And this is not any drama that you want us to switch roles and all. The office, it's a mess. I need to be there too.”

“I can't see that! I can't see that you are sorry, that's why I'm asking you to show me. And I know this is not any drama, I can't forgive you easily. I know about the office too, it's also my responsibility not only yours. So you don't have to worry about that. In fact, take a leave Taehyung, it'd be better. Because I think you can't seem to concentrate there. Think what's bothering you, because as far as I know, Kim Taehyung never made a mistake in his professional life ever. Where are you going wrong, Taehyung?”

You were right. He has never made a mistake once it comes to his professional life, even though his personal life was an utter mess. He tried his best to manage them both but somewhere he'd always go wrong. Wrong enough to make things come out like this. But it never had been to this extent, you'd always let go. Not anymore!

“Did you even realize this was the longest conversation we ever had!”

—next morning

“Y/n… y/n.” Taehyung wakes you up from the slumber, not like you really were sleeping. You were just pretending to be.

“He's crying constantly. Can you just check on him and tell me what's wrong. I'll take care of it, promise. He's not taking his feed either and also I've changed his diaper just half an hour ago. There's no problem with that either.”

“Give him to me.”

“I can really take care of him, it's just I don't know what happened. I really don't.”

“I know we switched roles, Taehyung. We didn't switch bodies, right! He needs to be breastfeed, if you can do that too I'll be glad.”

Hearing you, his cheeks turn red. He feels second-hand embarrassed. He doesn't even know his son still gets breastfeed, he knows very poorly about his own family.

“Prepare breakfast for me, I'll be leaving for the office early.” Nodding at your words, he walks out of the room.

As soon as he leaves, you couldn't help but chuckle at his behavior. He has become really obedient like a kid. You just wished he would learn to rely on you too. He has grown up alone, without no one by his side and that has made him tough inside out.

Better-ment || KTHNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ