What goes around that comes around

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Jake: Yes Mom. Someone from his family member has killed her. And this is my last case, after this I will leave this job permanently. Because, I don't want to go back to my past life again. Anyways I have to go. See you later.
Josh asked his Mom after Jake left,
Josh: Mom, isn't it too much??I mean, bro literally rejoin his job for the sake of this girl, about which he had never talked in all these years.
Mrs.Toner: It's nothing like that, you are thinking too much, he just has some attachment to that girl, that's why.
In evening.
Josh was searching for something in the store room when someone put a hand on his shoulder and he quickly looked back and said,
Josh: Ahh.. you just scared me.
??: what were you searching here??
Josh: Do you know that first of all we had to find those divorce papers so that they do not fall into anyone else's hands.
??: But do you think she would have hidden those papers somewhere just like that??don't forget that she is the wife of a detective so she is also very smart.
Josh: I know,but we have to find that papers as soon as possible.
??: You couldn't even handle a woman, how will you handle all this? She even ran away from your clutches with her child and you didn't even know.
Josh: Shall we focus on our work now? I already have wasted 3 years to complete my studies. I don't know where Eli is now! But one thing kept coming to my mind again and again that why didn't she tried to talk to Jake??
??: I don't know but we should not be careless this time. I have to achieve my goal at any cost.
Josh: Not your, that's our goal.
??: Okay,now I have to go. Otherwise, if someone would see me here with you, it will be a mess.
Josh: Okay,but I have to find those papers.
After that person left, Josh started searching for the papers again.Then he heard someone walking. He looked around but there wasn't anyone so he didn't pay much attention.
After some time he felt that someone was standing behind him. When he looked back there was no one but, then a flower vase fell down and bloods were spread all over there.
Josh: (talking with himself)
No, Josh, don't be afraid. This is definitely a prank. Yes, it is just a joke and nothing else. But who is doing all this to me?
WHO'S HERE?? (He yelled)
When he tried to run away from there, the door closed automatically. He knocked loudly on the door but it did not open.
When he looked back, he saw that blood was spreading towards him.Out of fear, he was about to hide his face with his hands and then he saw that his hands were also covered with blood.
Josh: No,no no what's going on??How did I get blood on my hand?
He was drenched in sweat and was banging loudly on the door.
Soon the door opened and his Mom, Brett and Jake came running in.
Josh quickly hugged his Mom. He was panting heavily.
Mrs.Toner: What happened Josh?? Why were you shouting?
Jake: Are you okay??
Josh: Blood. Bl..ood.
Jake: where's blood?? What happened here?
Josh: Bro, look at that vase kept on the floor, there is bl..ood blood spread below it.
Jake: But there is nothing here. Which vase are you talking about?
When Josh saw that, his eyes widened. There was nothing on the floor
Josh: No...no no. But some time ago that blood was spread And there was blood on my hands too, look!
but when he looked at his hands they were also clean.
Josh: How can this happen?? Trust me Bro. Mom please trust me I'm not l
Brett: By the way what were you doing here?? I mean,You should be in your room, what work can you do here in the evening.
Everyone looked towards him.
Jake: Yes, Josh what were you doing in the store room??
Josh: I...I was just searching my Old project files.
Brett: You could find that during the day too.
Josh: I just forgot that's why I was searching here. But you guys, believe me, there was really blood here. Bro atleast you must trust me.
Jake: Okay,let me see what's the matter go to your room i think you need rest.
Then everyone left except one person and that was Brett.
Brett: (looked up and thought)
I think you've started your work, Eli. We'll done my sister & don't worry at all, I am not going to leave anyone. You just torture that Josh so much that he'll automatically confesses his crime. After all this he's still looking for you. And I also know that he came here looking for divorce papers. Just wait n watch you'll have to face the consequences of every bad thing you do, Josh.)
A smirk appeared on his face while thinking. He also left from there.

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