Part 1

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I am in mine and Elsa's room and I am reading while laying down

Then the door opened and Elsa walked in

Hey, you okay? I asked

Yeah, I'm fine. She said

Get dressed and come lay down. I said

Shouldn't you be sleeping, King Justin? She asked

Stop calling me that, I don't like when you do that, when we are alone, I'm just me, the guy you grew up with and your very loveable husband. I said

Okay she said


I woke up in the middle of the night

Anna came in and helped Elsa fall asleep and she fell asleep in here and Elsa was laying on my chest

But I woke up when I felt a familiar power pulling me

I got up out of bed and I didn't see Elsa but I saw Anna

I opened the balcony doors and I saw a thousand small diamonds floating in the air

And I recognized the symbols on them

Then they all fell to the ground and shattered

I could feel Anna behind me

Then my hand burst into flames but it was purple

Oh no. I said

Then my whole body went into purple flames and I don't remember anything after that

Then when I started to remember Elsa was in front of me

Are you okay, what happened? She asked

I don't know. I said and rubbed my head

You turned into a purple fire and disappeared. Anna said

Just like the enchanted forest. Elsa said

How do you know about that? I asked

Our father told us a story about it not long before you came here. Anna said

How do you know about it? Elsa asked

I don't want to talk about it. I said

Justin, you can tell us. Anna said

I just looked at the ground

Hey, it's okay. Elsa said putting her hands on my face

I was born there. I said

How, no one has come out of the mist. Anna said

I was born inside of it and when I was a kid I somehow found my way out, and I tried to go back in but I couldn't, I got my powers from there. I said

My family is still inside, I had a younger sister and brother. I said

Then Elsa hugged me

It's okay, because we are going to the enchanted forest. She said

What? I asked

Come on, we're going. She said


Me, Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Sven, and Kristoff are on our way to the enchanted forest

I have been sleeping the whole trip because I've been exhausted for some reason

Then I woke up when Anna woke me up

What? I asked

Elsa heard the voice. She said

I jumped out the sled and I followed Elsa

Then we all saw the big dome of fog

Whoa. Kristoff said

Wow. Anna said

Then me and Elsa ran towards the fog

Until we were close to it

The fog was sparkling with power and I could remember the day I couldn't get back inside

Then Kristoff walked up to it

Wait, Kristoff. I said and he got pushed back by the mist

Whoa, what the...

The Olaf laughed and started running into the mist but kept getting thrown back over and over

Then Elsa reached her hand out and the mist cleared a way for us into the forest

We saw the big stones with the symbols of the magic in the forest on them

Promise me, we do this together, okay? Anna asked

I promise. Elsa said as they held hands

We walked into the fog

Did you know that an enchanted forest is a place of transformation? I have no idea what that means. But I can't wait to see what it will do to each one of us. Olaf said

Then we started getting pushed by the fog

What was that? Kristoff asked

Elsa reached out but I grabbed her wrist

Don't, your powers will just bounce back at us. I said

And we're locked in. Probably should have seen that one coming. Anna said

This forest is beautiful. Elsa said

I stayed close to Elsa as we all walked

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