I hope I get a chance to pass this message soon and don't worry about me. You know me, I may not be alright now, but I will be eventually. I always am.

Stay safe.



It took two days before Jayden had a chance to pass the message to Cissy. He was writing at his desk when she came to drop off his lunch. 

He paid no attention to her as she busied herself cleaning in his room but before he stood from his desk, he tore out the page he had written his letter in and nonchalantly rolled it into a ball and tossed it into the trash.

A few minutes later, as Cissy rolled out her cleaning cart along with his trash and lunch tray, he closed his eyes and hoped she would understand his coded message.


Cissy must have figured out the meaning behind his actions because a few days later found Cam and Leo standing before a luxurious cottage house in the northern part of the country.

'What are we doing here again?' Leo asked as they walked up the driveway, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow on the quaint front yard.

'I already told you; we need information from Jayden's grandmother and since he very well can't come here himself, and Samuel is still under house arrest, we are here to find out for them.'

'Right, right,' Leo nodded. 'Tell me again why we had to do this in person. We couldn't just call or send an email like normal people instead we have to drive halfway across the bloody country.'

'There's no contact information for her anywhere I've looked. She is not even listed anywhere in the address books. We got this address based on a guess, so we're not even sure if she lives here.'

'Or if she is even alive,' Leo muttered.

'Besides,' Cam continued as he reached to up to tap the brass knocker sharply on the door. 'It's better to do these kinds of things in person.'

He was reaching up to knock again when a shrill voice stopped him.

'Can I help you?'

They turned to see a slightly stooped old woman slowly making her way up from behind the house. She appeared to be the gardener as she sported a wide-brimmed hat with a colorful ribbon that shielded her face from the golden rays, and a pair of well-worn gloves adorned her hands.

'Sorry to disturb you,' Cam said. 'We are wondering if someone called Beatrice Mills lives here.'

The old woman's eyes immediately sparked with suspicion as she studied them through the wisps of silver hair that escaped her hat.

'Are you with the town council?' Her voice was gruff as she continued to watch them mistrustfully.

'No, of course not,' Cam said quickly. 'We are just students.'

'What business do a pair of "just students" have with the mistress of this household?'

'We are putting together a project on the background of society's greatest leaders and just have a few questions to ask her.' Leo answered brightly. 'We are students of Lumière, you know?'

That sparked the old woman's interest. 'Highborn, are you? Well, come on in then.' She shuffled past them and swung the door open. 'Sorry for the suspicion earlier. Can't be too careful these days. Got the bloody town council breathing on my neck. Illegal to have a pond my arse, those perfumed ponces are after my prized begonias. Mark my words.'

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