Chapter 5

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Another gig of dropping off groceries to the elderly in the district. Moegi walked down the steps of an apartment complex, to run into Dabi who was passing by.

"Mori," greeted Dabi coming to a complete stop.

"Dabi," Moegi greeted, they seemed to keep meeting like this, as if it was routine. 

"Is this where you live?" asked Dabi as they started to walk.

"Oh, no," denied Moegi shaking her head. "I was just doing something for my part-time job." He looked down at her. "I get groceries for the elderly and clean houses and office spaces." She looked up at him. "How about you?"

"An errand person like you," answered Dabi. He pulled something out of his pocket. "I think you dropped this the other day." Moegi looked to see it was a red and white polka dot bow clip. 

"Oh yeah, thanks," said Moegi taking it out of his hand. Must've fallen off when she was rushing toward Engima. "So, what are you up to today?"

"Just the same as I always do," said Dabi looking forward. "A walk around the block."

"Oh," breathed Moegi, her eyes still on the hair clip. Fuyumi had given it to her when they were 10 as a birthday gift. 

"What do you want to interrupt my day with?" asked Dabi looking at her, shoving his hands back in his pockets.

"There's this tea cafe not too far from here," said Moegi. "I'll pay."

Dabi looked forward. "I suppose I can spare some time with you in my busy schedule."

Moegi put her hand up. "You can just say no, I won't twist your arm."

"I'll go to the tea cafe," confirmed Dabi smiling a bit. Moegi and Dabi got to know each other a little more at the tea cafe. Moegi ended up really liking spending time with Dabi, something about felt so natural. 

"See you around?" asked Moegi as they stepped out of the cafe.

"See you around," assured Dabi waving to her as he walked off. When Moegi got home, she lay in bed staring at the hair bow. 


It was March, and Moegi had just turned 10 years old. She was standing outside the Todoroki house.

"Hello Moe," greeted Rei opening the door before Moegi could even knock.

"How did you know it was me?" asked Moegi walking in. "Could've been a robber."

"Your bike brakes squealed on arrival," answered Rei with a smile closing the door. "Toya's in the playroom."

"Thanks, Ms. T!" chimed Moegi. After she had taken off her shoes, she skipped on down to where Toya was located, Fuyumi, and Natsu were there as well. 

"Moe!" greeted Toya looking over at her.

"I have something for you!" chimed Fuyumi holding out a small box. 

"For me?" asked Moegi as it got put in hands.

"It was just your birthday, wasn't it?" asked Natsu playing with a ball.

Moegi nodded, she opened the box revealing a red and white bow hair clip. "It's cute, Fuyumi! Thank you!"

***Flashback over

Mogie held the hair clip closer to her, putting her lips to it.


A villain was rampaging through Naruhata, so it was nothing new. Well, except Pop wasn't with them this time, due to business he was handling on his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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