Chapter 8| Hannah

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I'm lounging on the couch, the soft hum of the TV in the background, when my phone buzzes. It's April, her voice bright and cheery. "Hey Hannah, what's up? What are you doing today?"

I stretch, glancing around the quiet house. "Not much, just hanging around. Why, what's up?"

April's excitement is palpable. "My brother's in town! We're planning lunch and a movie. Wanna join?"

The idea of getting out sounds appealing. "Sounds fun, I'd love to."

"Great! I'll pick you up around four."

After we hang up, I head to the shower, letting the warm water wash over me, my mind drifting to April's brother. I haven't met him yet. I wonder what he's like. Maybe we'll become friends?

I choose my outfit carefully, something that feels like me but also nice enough for an outing. I settle on a soft, floral print dress that falls just above my knees, paired with my comfortable white sneakers. It's pretty but casual, perfect for a movie and lunch.

As I get ready, my mind wanders to the house and its mysteries. But today, I push those thoughts aside. Today is about normalcy, about friendship and maybe making a new one. I glance at my reflection, a small smile playing on my lips. It's nice to have a break from the usual, even if it's just for an afternoon.

April pulls up in her car, and her smile is like a ray of sunshine, something I have found comfort in. "Hey, you look so cute!" she exclaims as I slide into the passenger seat.

"Thank you," I reply, feeling a little flutter of happiness at the compliment.

"We're meeting my brother at this cute little cafe on the outskirts of town," April says as we drive, "then we'll head to the movies in his car."

I nod, trying to seem relaxed. We chat about little things – the weather, the latest movie releases – but my mind is elsewhere, curious about her brother.

As we pull up to the cafe, my heart is a mix of excitement and nerves. April points out her brother, standing outside. I can't see his face from here, but something about him seems all too familiar.

Then, my world stops. April calls out, "Kyler!" and he turns. It's him. My ex-boyfriend; the reason I left. My whole body freezes. A million thoughts race through my mind. I want to run, to hide, to disappear.

But I can't. April is waving him over, oblivious to the storm inside me. "Hannah, this is my brother, Kyler." I'm stuck, forced to face the past I've been trying so hard to leave behind. My heart pounds, my mind scrambles for what to do next.

What are the odds? Of all the people in the world, why him? Why now? My thoughts are a whirlpool, and I'm desperately trying to stay afloat.

Kyler extends his hand with a chilling smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Nice to meet you, Hannah," he says, his voice eerily calm.

"Likewise," I reply, trying to hide my shock. I don't shake his hand. I don't want to touch him. I don't want to be near him.

He's acting like he doesn't know me. Why? Does April know about our past? My heart pounds in my chest as I sit down, trying to appear calm.

As we sit, April starts chatting about the cafe's menu. "The salads here are amazing, Kyler. You should try one." Kyler nods. "Sounds good. What do you recommend, Hannah?"

I'm barely listening, my mind racing. Why is he here? Is this some cruel twist of fate? I glance at Kyler, remembering the pain and fear he once brought into my life.

"I'm not sure," I say absently, "everything looks good."

April orders for us, and as she talks about her recent vacation, I can't help but feel trapped. Kyler used to be so different with me.

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