Chapter 5| Hannah

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Waking up the next morning, I let out a long sigh, dragging myself out of bed. Sleep had been elusive, my mind churning with thoughts of Nathan and the secrets he might be hiding. The pull to return to the other side, to discover more about him, is irresistible.

I shuffle to my closet, rummaging through my clothes for something to wear. I settle on a black mini-skirt paired with fishnet tights, throwing on my favorite graphic band t-shirt. I add a touch of simple jewelry to complete the look. A spritz of my favorite perfume surrounds me with a pleasant scent, giving me a small boost of confidence as I start my day.

Glancing at my phone, I realize I haven't heard back from any of the jobs I applied for. But right now, that doesn't bother me much. My mind is elsewhere, tangled in the mysteries of the house and the man hidden within.

I brew a pot of coffee, the rich aroma filling the kitchen, and grab a muffin I made earlier in the week. As I sit sipping my coffee, I think about doing some shopping today. My bedroom and bathroom could use some new decor – something to freshen up the place.

After finishing my breakfast, I head out to the car. I've done some research and found a cute home-decor shop I want to check out. As I drive, I turn on my music, the familiar melodies a comforting presence that eases the whirlwind of thoughts in my head.

Arriving at the store, I pull out my phone and jot down a quick list of what I'm looking for. The mall is huge and crowded, and I find myself getting lost in the aisles, exploring various decorative pieces that could bring new life to my space. The distraction is welcome, a temporary respite from the complex emotions and unanswered questions waiting for me back at the house.


Two hours later, I'm heading back home, my car filled with new finds: fresh curtains, a sleek desktop-vanity for the old desk in my room, neat storage containers for my makeup and odds and ends, and some cozy pillows and blankets to spruce up the living room. I even plan to repaint the master bedroom - a light peachy-pink that'll soften its current creme walls. The rest of the house just needs some minor touch-ups.

When I pull into my driveway my sense of accomplishment is quickly overshadowed by a wave of fear. There, on my porch, lies another envelope. Heart pounding, I pick it up and rip it open.

"Hannah, There's a lot you don't know, and don't want to know. For your own good, stay away."

What the fuck – another cryptic message? The handwriting is unmistakably his – Nathan's.

With the letter clutched in my hand, I crawl through the mysterious door once again. The air feels even colder than before, sending shivers down my spine. I stand up and scan the room, searching for Nathan, but he's nowhere to be seen.

"Hello? I know you're here, Nathan," I call out, surprised at the boldness in my voice. It echoes, distant yet determined. A sudden chill makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I just know he's behind me. I whirl around, and there he is, his presence towering over me, his cologne enveloping the air around us.

"I told you to stay away, Hannah. For your own good," he says, his voice a quiet, cold whisper. I sense a hidden plea in his words, but also something else – secrets, perhaps.

"What if I don't want to?" I challenge, meeting his gaze. Something shifts in his eyes, darkening with an emotion I can't quite place. He steps closer, bending down to whisper in my ear, "You need to. There are things about me that you don't want to know. I've done fucked up things, Hannah."

"I'm dangerous," he admits, his voice tinged with regret, sadness, and a haunting distance. And yet, I find myself wanting to delve deeper into the mystery that is Nathan. I'm playing with fire, entangled in a dangerous game, but a part of me can't help but want to continue.

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