Chapter 8

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I itched my nose and massaged my forehead, sitting on a barrel. I scanned The-now empty-Courtyard. Everyone from the Castra had moved in. Each room was lived in. Guns, bullets, powder, weapons, etc. were in one room-guarded by two men. This was the new base for the rebellion. Women had been re-united with their families.

Slowly I stood up and walked inside. I headed down the hall to the room where my family was kept prisoner. George Winston had escaped-the little rat-but we had several men out searching for him (including Mr. Curtis and Mr. Shore). I listened at the door, hoping to hear their voices. About fifteen minutes passed, but only incoherent arguing erupted from within the room, providing me with no information concerning how they were all fairing.

"Gentry, meeting," Jed said, coming up to me. We went solemnly back outside where everyone had gathered around the stage.

Steven Ellow and another man introduced as Sheppard Mason stood explaining strategy. I tried to listen, but my eyes were heavy and my heart was conflicted. I understood what was necessary, but felt a little betrayed honestly.

The meeting ended with everyone repeating the: "Freedom, justice, rebellion," chant. Then everyone began talking and thinning out. I stood, staring around with my hands tucked in my pockets when all of a sudden, I was attacked.

"You did it!" Abigail exclaimed, hugging me. As usual, I wasn't sure how to respond and probably waited too long for she stepped back and stared at her hands again. I wanted to explain what I had meant last night, but didn't know how to start.

"Thanks," Abigail said, turning to leave.

"Wait." I stepped forward, grabbing her hand. Now I was too far to go back. "Last night, I didn't mean that we should have just sold you off for the good of The Courtyard's name. I guess I meant that..." I racked my brain for something other to say than: "you're beautiful," or "I think I might love you..." the first because I didn't know if I wanted her to know I thought she was beautiful and the second because...just because, you don't simply say that to someone you hardly know-though I felt like I knew her better. "You're..." her blue eyes stared up into my brown ones, distracting me. "Because you're beautiful and even our fail-of-a-president would recognize you're something special."

To my surprise, she reached up and fingered my face again, bushing furiously. She stood again on her tip-toes, but kissed my lips this time. It was different, but I can't say I altogether hated it. In fact, when she pulled away, I kissed her again.

"Hale," Abigail started.

"Yeah?" I asked.


BANG! BANG! BANG! Shots echoed around The Courtyard and the front gate burst open. Seventy, armed Kerises marched in, firing at anything that moved. I grabbed Abigail's hand, dragging her along and back into the house. We separated and ran through the corridor, pausing at Irwin and Megan's rooms. They weren't there. So we continued to Saia's. My heart pounded in my chest and my pulse raced. We needed to get out. Sure our forces had ammunition, but I knew we weren't strong enough to defeat the seemingly endless supply of Kerises.

Saia stood, leaning on Jed's shoulder as we entered.

"Did you see them?" I asked, out of breath.

Jed nodded grimly. "We can't fight that yet. Every man is supposed to grab a gun and some ammunition. Hopefully we can regroup later."

I nodded. "Where are you going to go?"

"Enen-to the east," Jed explained.


"It's a city in between the poverty rate of Melloette and Gellbreath. Everyone from Gellbreath has been flooding into it apparently and we plan to join," he continued. "Are you guys comin'?"

"I am," I agreed.

"I will," Abigail nodded.

"Then let's go," Jed stated. We followed him into the hall, but I paused when we reached the end of it on the west side.

"My family," I stated, moving toward the door.

"Hale, the Kerises won't hurt them. They're on the same side," Jed assured me.

"I know, but-."

BANG! A sharp, clear shot rang in my ears as it came through the wall. I looked at the others: Saia, still leaning on Jed, looking thoughtfully up at me, Jed watching my face intently as if waiting for an order, and Abigail searching my eyes with admiration and respect. They were waiting for me to make the final decision. Taking a breath, I said: "Let's go."

We left the house and entered The Courtyard, walking around the edge and navigating through various groups. No one joined us as well left. I glanced back when we passed through the gate. A couple revolutionaries lay dead, but so did a small collection of Kerises. A large group of Kerises had broken into the eastern dormitories and was dragging the young woman and men out. That was it. It was all over. Fight. Fought. Finished. That's what we did. And that's what we were. We had decided to fight for these young woman's freedoms. So we fought and now, that battle was finished.

Fight. Fought. Finished. (Sequel to Gone. Done. Over.)Where stories live. Discover now