Chapter 2

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'What if we mess up this time too? Dad's going to know that it was me who helped them escape. Then what will happen?' I focused my attention on small, circular piece of wood in my hand. It wasn't terrible. The Lone Tree on the front which signified Medellon's stand in the world was a little scrimpy and the beady-eyed, crow on the back was a little off, but it was clearly a Corsend. I readjusted the pocket knife in my hand and stabbed the last detail in the crow's wing. The third Freedom Coin of the night was done. I fingered it and then set it down on my bedside table, close to the quavering candle which lit the area.

My eyes ached and blurred as I stared forward, into the darkness of my bedroom. 'Ough. Anytime now.' I reasoned, rubbing my eyes with my palms.

Creak. My muscles tensed and I instantly grabbed my workmanship and pulled my sheets over my head. 'Shoot.'

The candle light flickered. Propping myself of up on my elbow, I leaned forward and blew out the candle.

CLANG. The candle toppled over, crashing to the floor and rolled. I squeezed my eyes closed and waited for whoever to speak that was going to. 'Please be Jed.'

"Hale, it's me. You ready?"

'Jed.' My shoulders relaxed and I sat up, pulling my sheets back. Thoughts racing, I threw my legs over the side of my bed and stepped. Hot and burning pain licked at my foot. "Ahh," I winced as the scorching wax of the overturned candle squished between my right toes. "Great."

"Come on, Cyrene probably heard that and you know how your sister gets when we leave like this," Jed warned.

"Yeah," I sighed, resting my foot on a wooden chair while I laced up my boots. "Have you met the new girls yet?"

"Yeah. We have three: Irwin Shore, Abigail Curtis and Megan Ellow. Here."

Flop. My cloak fell over my head and shoulders as Jed tossed it to me. I pulled it on correctly and we headed back out into the dark hall.

"This way," Jed said, dragging me out through a side door.

The cool, night air sent a shiver over my skin, creating goose bumps. "Who are we getting out first, did you decide?" I asked, watching the fog form before me with every breath.

"Us," Jed stated. "Come on." He looked up and sent a glance around The Courtyard before cutting across to the main gate.

What are you talking about?' Tucking my hands into my pockets, I followed.

Jed lifted the latch and stuck his head out, cast a glance into the street and then beckoned me silently with a wave of his hand.

"What's the plan?" I asked, exiting behind him. He didn't answer, but instead, continued to march across the grey, cobblestone street of Melloette. We were one of the "richer" towns. I think it was because of the trades, in which we engaged. We produced a lot of metal and-as basically every town in Medellon-had great farm land past the inner city.

Two story, brick buildings sat, tall and foreboding on either side of the street. Jed stopped in front of a run-down watch shop. Old, crumbling stairs led down into the lower part.

"You want change?" I blinked as Jed stared me hard in the face.

"Well, I want to finish my father's yes."

"And you're completely willing to do what it takes?" Jed asked.

"Yes?" I answered uncertainly. Something in Jed's tone made me uncomfortable. 'What is he up to?' Ever since we were little, I had always been able to tell when Jed was plotting something. He always became really quiet and solemn. His eyes were staring at closed doors as if looking away would force the world to collapse. "What are you thinking, Jed?" I asked, watching the stairs as I headed down them. He did not respond, but instead, dug around in his pocket. Jed retrieved a key and aimed it for the door handle.

Fight. Fought. Finished. (Sequel to Gone. Done. Over.)Where stories live. Discover now