Chapter 7

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I arose the next day, met with the others and then anxiously joined my father in the booth. Because Abigail had been last yesterday-and technically not sold-she would be first today. It would simply be announced that she belonged to Teklate, but the plan was that the ceremony wouldn't even get that far. I was supposed to give the sign: a shout of "Melloette." My eyes could hardly leave Abigail, however...if I did this wrong, she would be official property of Teklate-whether we "saved" her or not. I now understood what Jed meant when he had explained wanting Saia to be "free."

'Come on, come on, come ON!' I thought. For the first time EVER, I was ready for the auction to begin.

"Welcome back, gents to The Courtyard. We've got a good line-up today!" Announced the auctioneer. He paused before introducing Abigail. Her eyes searched the audience, I momentarily wondered if she was looking for me, but then snapped back into focus.

I stood and shouted: "MELLOETTE!!!!" For a moment, nothing happened. Several of the men below who weren't apart of our scheme glanced around, attempting to find the source of the noise, but then the crowd shifted and familiar faces charged. I hurried down from the balcony and joined in.

"Gentry!" Jed stated, "There's something I should probably explain!" He glanced around the mass of people.

BANG! A shot rang out...then another...and another. I had forgotten that Kerises had come with Teklate and were here, guarding. The chaos continued and a growing fear ate at my mind.

"Rebellion," the men had said. "I know it's a long shot, but I think Melloette's ready and this whole auction thing will be a great kick-off." Steven's words also reverberated back at forth. This was it. This was Melloette's rebellion...and I had helped initiate it.

"No!" I shouted, but of course, no one could hear me. I charged the center of the madness: the stage.

"GONE! DONE! OVER! GONE! DONE! OVER!" The men chanted, hoisting father, my two sisters and my...mother? up on their shoulders. "YOUR BUISNESS IS GONE! YOUR JOB IS DONE! YOUR PLOT IS OVER!!!"

"Where are they taking them?" I asked out loud to no one in particular.

"Inside..." Jed responded. "Till all is certain."

"Jed! They're my family!" I stated, staring at him in horror.

"And they're safe! I promise, no one will hurt them. We just need to secure this place as ours," he answered calmly, glancing around.

"Our's? The rebellion's? Jed this isn't right! We-!"

"What isn't right? Are you forgetting the illegality of this business? Our very president is corrupted with this lust! We have the right to do this and you know it! Deep down, Hale," Jed said with force. He was right and I knew it. It was difficult to grasp fully, but I understood enough.

Fight. Fought. Finished. (Sequel to Gone. Done. Over.)Where stories live. Discover now