Chapter 6

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I headed back inside, Abigail still weighing heavily in my head-not Kristina-Abigail. What would we have done if she had been sold? Her father would have killed and skinned me. My day went on, as usual. After a late dinner, I made my way to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I sort of hoped Abigail would be there, but at the same time, was dreading our next visit.

Clunk. The familiar nose of a pot thunking gently on the bottom of the sink rang in my ears. I pushed the curtain aside and there was Abigail. She stood, scrubbing thoughtfully. A white, plush robe cloaked her. Her hair shined in the dim light. Upon hearing me enter, she glanced over.

"You had a close call today," I said, walking.

"I know...They grabbed me when I got out of meeting with Jed, Irwin, Saia and Megan...I wasn't exactly sure what was going on at first, but I figured it out," she admitted silently. "All those other girls...they're gone?"

"Yeah," I sighed. I hated telling her that. In fact, I hated knowing it was true. Thirty or more young, innocent women were auctioned off every day yet I had not been so concerned as today when Abigail had stepped up. Now it was personal. I knew her.

"Thank you though," she said.

"For what?"

"Your father stopped the auction before it was my turn. I was last. I know you were in the booth and I appreciate you doing that..." Abigail's voice faded to nothing. I considered just allowing her to think that. I wanted her to believe that, but it was not true. I was far from the hero she needed and thought I was.

"Look, I don't know why my father stopped it. I didn't ask him to. I'm sorry. I-I," my words cut in and out. The longer I continued talking, the more I regretted. Abigail's expression looked pained.

"I didn't think he would listen," I continued. "Teklate was here today and he was distracted!"

"He's trying to gain the president's approval?" Abigail guessed, her voice soft and saddened.

"Yeah, he's trying to impress him or something, but if he really wanted to make a good impression, he should have sent you up first!" I said without even thinking (or with thinking for that was exactly what had been rolling around my mind. Abigail was so sweet and frankly, beautiful. She should have been out there.). Silence fell over us as we both gathered our thoughts and attempted to conjure up what to say next.

"So, you're saying you would want to get rid of me just for the president?" she asked eventually.

"No-I.' I wanted to slam my head in the wall. Why did I even come in here? I knew she would be here! Massaging my forehead, I glanced down at the girl in front of me. She was fixing her white sleeve. I'd never seen that robe before. We had never provided anything like it...suddenly, a light went off in my head. "Where did you get that robe?" I asked rather loudly.

Abigail jumped and then looked herself over. "It just came this evening. There may have been a note, but I didn't read it-figuring it was simply from here."

"I don't think so. Do you still have the box?" I asked.


"Take me to your room," I stated firmly.


"I need to see the note," I explained, calming slightly. I could tell she was still confused and possibly hurt from my 'putting her up for bids' comment. It had really been a compliment, but we didn't have time to deal with that at the moment.

"Alright," she agreed, walking softly out of the kitchen. I followed her down the hall. We ducked into another curtained room which-at the moment-was only her's. Beside her cot was a nice, white box. Tissue paper had been folded neatly back up and lay within it. Abigail knelt and searched, turning over the light paper. She selected something small and returned to my side, reading it in her head.

"Here," she offered, handing it up to me. I accepted it and turned it over. Golden script had been printed neatly and elegantly across the square, white card. It read: "Compliments of President L. Teklate." My jaw tightened and I handed it back to her.

"Do you know what you need to now?" Abigail inquired, a frown falling over her lips.

"Indeed," I said. The problem was, I did not know what to do with the information. "I'll be back." I turned and headed out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Abigail asked, following.

"The Castra, I've got to set up the attack plan," I explained, looking back at her. I hoped she would not want to come...if she did, I couldn't imagine attempting to say "no." We stood in silence, again, for a moment, but then Abigail stepped forward. Her right hand fingered my face and, standing on tip-toes, she kissed my cheek: "Good luck."

"Thanks," I said and headed back out into the corridor.

Within fifteen minutes, Jed and I stood at the base of The Castra's stairs. Maisy opened the door and we entered. With great haste, the two of us climbed down into the lower level. Everything I'd just learned, crowded my mind. Abigail's kiss had stunned me and momentarily set me off balance. I hoped she would figure out what I had been attempting to say about the auction-or that she'd forget it ever happened.

"Ready, Gentry?" Jed asked as we entered the meeting hall. I nodded, shaking off my thoughts. Jed slammed his fist down on a table, instantly quieting all. Everyone turned to us expectantly.

"Tomorrow is the day," he began. "Teklate has given his approval of The Courtyard and has-in trade for keeping their gates open-selected several young women to take back with him." Mumbling went up from the audience. "Tomorrow we'll just go through with the plan," Jed concluded.

"For our women!" one man shouted.

"For our freedom!" another returned.

"For our justice!" someone else added.

"AND FOR REBELLION," they all shouted as one.

Fight. Fought. Finished. (Sequel to Gone. Done. Over.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora