2~New Students

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Haesoo sighed getting on the bus seeing many Hybrid pets sitting around. She was disgusted. Her friends got on and walked over to her.

"Haesoooooooo" Minjee her best best best friend screamed.

"Haiii" all of her friends said. Five of them had met a long time ago and named themselves ITZY but even if Haesoo and Minjee and Yenne are not original ITZY's they are still part of the eight member fam.

Yeji grinned at her " Guys we got gossip"

"Spill" Haesoo said.

"So I think we are getting new students!"

"No way! Oh mah lawd" Haesoo cried "'m so excited!"

Time skip (-o'>')-o🧋

The girls got to school and they sat down listening to music when the teacher walked in with 8 handsome boys. The girls in their class immediately started gushing over them.

"Welcome our new students, and please treat them with kindness. Guys please introduce yourselves"

Haesoo noticed that they had no hybrid features but they all had a scent coming off of them as if they were scented. She noticed that the scent was the strongest on the one that was call Chan? She think...

Now her and all of her friends had a secret they were all mythical hybrids except that she, Minjee and Yenne were the only 'hybrid' Hybrids she knows.

The guys introduced themselves and went to find a seat which just happened to be beside them.

Yeji suddenly widened her eyes.


Hyunjin turned around and his eye widened as well "Yeji! No way!"

Yeji giggled "Hey cus" ( In this story they are cousins)

Hyunjin grinned and he turned to the boys "Guys this is my cousin Yeji and her friends."


Yeji and the girls walked to their usual table only to find the boys already sitting there. Hyunjin waved them over so they can properly introduce themselves.

Yeji sat down beside him and waved the girls over.

"Guys this is my dumb cousin Hyunjin and he part of Stray Kids"

"Stray kids?" Haesoo asked

"Ohh so you know how we call ourselves ITZY right? So they call themselves Stray Kids"

After a round of introduction they sat down to eat when a girl came up to their table.

"Hyunjin oppa, do you want to sit with us?" She said in high pitched voice that reminded Haesoo of a dolphin.

Hyunjin cringed but Yeji quickly stood up. " No thank you he's sitting with us"

Minje also stood up aswell incase anything bad happened.

The girl scoffed pushing Yeji only to be pushed by Yenne who had also stood up. Other girls had come to help the girl and were cheering her on. ITZY all stood up to help when one of the kids threw a block of wood at Yenne hitting her in the stomach. And she was on her monthly time.

Yenne cried out in pain falling to the floor. Others jeered at them when all of a sudden the girl who had throw the block of wood was screaming in pain, also, on the floor.

Everyone turned their head to spot a pissed Haesoo.

"You can fight with my friends. But yo cannot and I repeat you cannot hurt them." she growled at them " Anyone else will face me if they dare hurt a single hair of my friends"

The girl on the floor had a nosebleed coming out of her nose and there were fleck of blood on Haesoo's left fist.

She visually calmed down and rushed over to help Yenne.

Some time later

In the infirmary Haesoo and ITZY helped Yenne into a bed. The boys were also there to help if anything happened.

Haesoo sighed huggin Yenne "Don't go getting yourself hurt okay?"

Yenne nodded "Sorry" she mumble.

"It's okay. You don't need to be sorry" Haesoo said while hugging her.

Yenne smiled. Haesoo had always been the craziest but when tough situations came she was always the one that cared the most for them.

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