Chapter 37: Week of Hell

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• One Week Later •

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• One Week Later •

I think I'm having a mental breakdown.

After Aria found out the truth, she said she needed space. So I haven't seen her and being away is about to send me over the edge.

I've always lived life just right at the edge, hoping nothing happened to push me over again.

I haven't been to school for the past 6 days because the first day back after Aria never came home she ignored me all day, then some kid in the hallway annoyed the fuck out of me.

Flashback: 6 Days Ago

"Move out of the fucking way. You're blocking my locker." I hiss.

"Don't see a sign that says your name on it. So I can stand anywhere I want."

My left eye twitches uncontrollably as I feel bile ready to rise to the surface. He has about 20 seconds before I snap. He's putting himself in a dangerous situation and doesn't even know it.

"Move." One word. One command, and he chooses not to follow it.

"Look kid-"

I don't even give him a chance to finish before I elbow him between the eye. He stumbles back, losing his balance. I learned a long time ago that this move gives a person whiplash and makes them see a distorted black and white view.

This gives me the opportunity to absolutely wail on him, throwing punch after punch after punch until he's a bloodied mess and doesn't even move to fight back anymore.

There's not many students in the hallway but the ones that are gather around, shocked at the scene.

After that happened, I decided if I went to school the same types of situations would just keep prevailing.

I've been to the club still, because my dad said no girl should come before work. Although I didn't agree, I did agree that it should help take my mind off of things rather than staying in my room all day.

Well, keyword is should, because it absolutely does not help.

"Still moping around?" My dad asks after calling me into his office at the club.

"Did you need something or not?" I spit out.

He taps his desk, and his only show of anxiety is making me more anxious as well.

"I have an idea. I'm going to go, see you in about an hour." He says.

I furrow my eyebrows at his cryptic message. What the hell is he talking about?

Deciding to ignore his weirdness I make it back to my chill room and order yet another drink. I'm in here doing random things for a few minutes before there's a knock at the door.

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