Chapter 23 - Green With Envy

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The bar was bustling, and all of us widened our eyes as we stepped into the Dirty Parrot, the lights blinding us and the sound of people laughing filling our ears.

We had all got a cab together- thank God- so it hadn't been as awkward as I had imagined. I was half expecting to have to sit in the car alone with Kaleb and soak up his annoyance as he quizzed me on my 'date' with Ty.

I was going to need to explain to him what was going on with it, but seeing Kaleb so silent made me question things. He was irked with the fact that I went on a date with Ty even though he had made it clear that we could never be anything. Hannah was partially right. Kaleb needed to get his priorities straight.

I had dressed in one of my nicest outfits tonight- a halter neck brown top and a pair of mom jeans with some black heels. I didn't have a lot of 'party' outfits since I had thrown most of my clothes out when I had committed myself to cutting back on going out. I made a good amount of money selling them online.

We were shown to our booked table, Kaleb's jaw taut and chin raised the entire time. He hadn't so much as looked at me- not even when I had come downstairs and Brent and Kaylee had both insisted I looked incredible. He was glued to his phone, but I had a feeling he was just pretending to message people. He had told me himself that he didn't have social media. In his words, it was a waste of time and megapixels.

We ordered our drinks, and I glanced around the bustling room, looking past the railing at the crowd of people dancing to some eighties hit. Kaleb had specifically booked the quieter tabled area so that we could be away from all of the drunken partygoers.

"So what have you been up to today?" Kaylee asked me as she gazed at me over the top of her drink, beaming at me.

I noticed Kaleb visibly stiffen, and his eyes shot to me as he ran his tongue along the front of his teeth. I dragged my bottom lip into my mouth, feeling anxious with everyone's eyes on me. "Um, I went to see my friend Ty."

Kaylee gasped at my words, wiggling her eyebrows as Brent turned and looked awkwardly at his friend, tapping his fingers impatiently against the table.

"What is he like?" Kaylee gushed. "Is he hot? Is he really just a friend?"

"Kaylee," mumbled Brent under his breath, but she only furrowed her eyebrows at him with confusion before waving his concern away, turning her attention back to me.

Kaleb's stormy grey eyes were piercing and I felt as if they were stabbing into my soul. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, and sipped at my pornstar martini to calm my nerves. "He's very good looking, and he's an ice hockey player." I really wasn't sure where I was going with this, but Kaleb didn't have a right to be so obviously jealous if he was going to ignore me and pretend that there was nothing going on between us.

As long as I was single, I was free to see and date whoever I wanted- even if they were just platonic friends from the past.

"An ice hockey player? Oh, he must have fantastic legs." Kaylee laughed, and I joined her as Brent pulled out his phone awkwardly, attempting to show something on it to Kaleb, but he merely held his hand up to his friend. He was intensely listening to our conversation, his expression not giving much away, and frankly, it was freaking me out.

I hadn't looked at Ty's legs, but even if I had, he had been wearing jeans. "Yeah, he did."

That was enough to make Kaleb scrape his chair back, and he grumbled to himself as he made his way up to the bar, ordering himself a drink.

Brent shot me a look, and I shrugged at him, causing Kaylee to huff.

"Why does he have a rock hard rod up his ass?" she asked, winking at me, and Brent wrapped his arm around her shoulder and shushed her, shaking his head.

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