Chapter one: Never Take Things From Strangers

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October 1988

It was raining heavily that morning, the outside was filled with mist.
I sat in my room, too sick to do anything else but stay in bed.
Georgie, my little brother, was standing by the window, drawing a smily face on it.
I was making a paper boat for georgie, so he'd go out to play with it in the rain.
He liked to play in the rain, I used to, but that was before I started getting Ill.
Now all I do is stay in bed, take my medicine and go to sleep.
It wasn't fun at all.

"Sure I won't get into trouble, bill?" Georgie asks, turning to look at me.
"Don't be a w-w-wuss, " I said, stuttering slightly. The paper crinkles between my thumb as I bended it. "I'd come with you if I wasn't- I was cut off by a few coughs. "Dying," I finished covering my mouth.
"You're not dying," Georgie insists, as he stands up.
"You didn't see the v-vomit coming out of my nose this morning?" I asked.
"That's disgusting." He scrunches his nose, making his way over to my bed.
"Okay, go get the wax," I said, flipping over the boat. It was almost finished.
But georgie looked a bit hesitant as he spoke. "In the cellar?" He asks.
I frowned. "You want it to f-float don't you?" I said.
"Fine," he sighs before heading for the door, but not before grabbing his walk-talkie from the dresser.

I took up my marker, biting off the cover before I drew down his name on the paper boat. Rain continues it's relentless pouring outside. It made the morning more gloomy, the first dismal dispiriting days of October.
The piano could be heard, playing from downstairs.


Mom was playing the piano when I came downstairs. She looked like she was enjoying her quietude, so I didn't bother her. I needed to get the wax for my new boat. It's in the cellar.
I wasn't very fond of that part of our house, but I wasn't gonna be a wuss and not go down there and get it.
I had to pass through the kitchen to reach the door to the cellar.
I stared at it, feeling something menacing and foreboding seeping through those doors. But that was just nonsense, right?
I mean, there was no way I'd chicken out just cuz I'm a bit..scared.
I let out a reluctant sigh, before hesitantly opening the doors. It made an eerie creak as I pushed it against the side walls.
My breath was shaky as I stared down the stairs leading into darkness.
Suddenly there was a high pitched static noise, from the walkie-talkie, making my breath hitch.
"Hurry up," bill said, then there was some shuffling around before his voice was gone.
I reached over to the side wall where there was a light switch. I tried a couple of times, but it didn't work.
"Ok," I muttered. There goes that bit of hope. "I'm brave," I breathed, making my way down the old squeaky stairs.
It was very dark down there, I could hardly see a thing except faint objects like boxes.
I let out a sigh, hopping off the last stair and making my way over to where the shelf was. "Where's the wax?" I mumbled aloud, squinting to try and discern something through darkness. Then I found it.
"There's the wax,"I whispered, picking it up with a relieved sigh.
But my relief was short lived when I turned, to catch two faint glow in the left corner, seemingly resembling a pair of eyes. I was beyond spooked out, but needed to see if it really was eyes and not just my imagination playing tricks on me.
I hurriedly grab a flashlight from the shelf, switching it on to point it towards the eyes in the darkness.
Thankfully it was only just two glass bottles, next to a jar of paint.
Nothing at all to be afraid about.
There was a sudden bang of thunder, making me bolt for the stairs in fright, not taking a second look back into that creepy room.


I carefully passed the brush on the paper boat, coating it in wax, while Georgie leans over to take a look." Alright," I said, after I was finished. I handed it to him. "There you go." He takes it, with a look of admiration on his face.
"Sh- she's all ready, captain " I said.
"She?" He questions, looking up to me.
"You must call the b-boat she," I explained.
He smiles. "She." He then gives me a hug.
"Thanks Billy."
I smiled, then tickled him, causing a fit of giggles as he squirms to get out of my grip.

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