Chapter 8: cheer competition/happily ever after

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~Zed's P.O.V~

~Timeskip cuz I'm lazy~

when bonzo and I got back to school, I remembered that tonight was the cheer competition. I also noticed that Eliza was not with us. bonzo was looking through her locker and saw that she had plans to sabotage the cheer competition.

"Zed, look at this" bonzo said to me, showing me the plans.

"she's going to sabotage the cheer competition?!" I say, my eyes widened. he nods his head multiple times.

"well, we gotta stop her!" I say, running down the hall, trying to find Eliza somewhere in the school, but she is nowhere to be found. I had no other choice but to wait until the cheer competition to stop her. so, I went the rest of my day normally, then, it was time. as I search for her, I see her at the control panel. me and bonzo run to her and bonzo grabs her from behind, her arms forced to the side, preventing her from doing anything.

"hey! let me go!" Eliza shouts

"We aren't going to let you sabotage this!" I shout louder. she is silent for a while.

"sabotage...? I didn't' put it that way..." she says, her voice lowering. I then hear a bunch of footsteps. it was (y/n), Addison, and Bree.

"is everything okay?! we heard shouting!" Addison said, sounding worried.

"yeah, everything's fine." I say. then, the announcer said that Seabrook was up.

"well, that's us." Bree said.

"what's the plan?" (y/n) says, a little bit worried. I made a hand motion, signalling for everyone to huddle up.

"okay, here's the plan...we let our freak flags fly" I say. after that, everyone went on stage and started preforming.


after the show, it has been announced that Seabrook won! everybody rejoiced, like they forgotten their hatred towards zombies! after that, there was a block party in zombietown. and the best part is, they took down the border between zombietown and Seabrook! both zombies and humans made up, and never had hatred between each other ever.

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