Chapter 5: it was just a small...peck

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~Zed's P.O.V~

I immediately get up from my chair, leave the cafeteria and start searching for (Y/n). I then see her looking at the trophy case. I walk up to her, holding the apple flower bonzo was supposed to give her.

"ah, the perfect picnic spot" I say with a fake French accent, trying to get a giggle out of her. and it worked. I took her hand and started walking.

"come with me. I wanna show you something" as I say that, I bring her into the zombie safe room. her face lit up.

"this is where we first met!" she said, smiling.

" where we had our first...punch" I tease.

she laughs a little. we talked a little, then I told her to meet me at the entrance of zombietown after school. I wanted to take her to the zombie mash.


as I take (y/n) inside, my wrist starts hurting a lot. I groan in pain. then, (y/n) looks my way.

"are you okay?" she asked, looking concerned. I look at her.

"yeah, my wrist just hurts a little. I'll be fine" I tell her, making sure she doesn't worry too much.

she nods. I then lead her to a room with a bunch of lights, but it was still pretty dim.

"woah..." (y/n) looked around in awe. "what is this place?" she asked.

"this, is the light garden" I tell her, smiling. I walk her around the light garden, when I grab her waist and pull her closer.

"what are you doing...?" (y/n) asked me. there is a visible blush on her face. we look each other in the eyes.

"listen, (y/n)... I love you... i've been in love with you ever since I first laid my eyes on you. and i've been hoping ever since that you felt the same way..." I say, a blush forming on my face as well. she opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out.

~Second person P.O.V~

"well, I'm going to ask you a question, nod your head 'yes' or 'no' as your answer."

Little did the two know, Bree and Addison had snuck in, without them knowing.

"so, do you like me back...?" zed asks.

Bree and Addison look at each other, then look back at you and Zed. they both look at you in surprise as they see you nod your head 'yes'. then, they look at each other with a cheeky expression, almost like they knew what was about to happen.

zed chuckled and pulled you a little closer to him and smiles.

"that's good to hear..." he says, then he leaned in and kissed you. eventually, you kissed back. Bree and addison's smile grows much wider at the sight. the kiss was getting more passionate each second, but he pulled away.

"it's almost past curfew. you should get going." zed tells you.

"alright. I'll see you tomorrow." you say, as you start to leave. as soon as you get to your house, you feel hands on your shoulders. you quickly turn around to see Addison and Bree looking at you with a cheeky smile.

"hey...guys...why are you smiling, exactly?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.

"well, we may have snuck and followed you and Zed to the light garden and see you two...kiss" Bree said, the cheeky smile plastered on her face. your face instantly flushed with embarrassment.

" was just a slight peck! that's all!" you say, hoping they'd believe you. they didn't.

"mhm, yeah sure" Addison said.

"alright fine! just, please don't tell anyone about this!" you begged.

"we promise. we won't tell a single person." you can tell that they were telling the truth.

"well, we gotta go. bye Addison." you say waving goodbye as you and Bree walk into the house. Bree went upstairs, but when you were about to go upstairs, your parents stop you.

"where have you been?! you had us worried sick!" your dad said.

"wha- I was with a friend!" you lied

"oh don't you lie to us young lady! if you don't tell us where you've been, you'll be grounded for a week!" your mom shouted.

"fine, I'll tell you!" you were silent for a second. "I was out with a boy." this put your parents into complete shock

"well, you will NOT be able to do cheer until we meet this boy!" your mom said

"what?! you can't do that! that isn't fair!" you argued.

"if you don't listen to your mother, you won't be able to cheer AT ALL!" your dad shouted.

you groan and storm up the stairs and slam the door behind you. how were you going to introduce Zed to your parents?! they'll flip out if they find out you were dating a zombie! and on top of that, how are you going to tell Zed about this?!

End of chapter 5

Zed x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora