chapter 6: flip a swich

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~Y/N'S P.O.V~

I walk through school, not saying a word to anyone. not even to Addison and Bree. As I am walking up the stairs, I hear footsteps behind me. it was Zed.

"Hey! Wait up!" I heard him call out.

"You haven't been talking to anyone all day. What's wrong?" he asked me, with a hint of concern in his voice.

"It's nothing. Im fine." I say, starting to walk up the stairs again, but he grabs my arm and stops me.

"You're not fine. tell me what's wrong right now." Zed said, sounding more serious.

"Fine! last night, I got home a little later than I was supposed to, and I got into a lot of trouble. and I had to tell them I was with someone, that someone being you, but they don't know that. and then, they told me i'm not allowed to cheer until they meet you..." I tell him, scared of how he'd react.

"oh, great! then i'll just swing by and charm them with my handsome smile" he says, smiling and winking.

"no! you can't!" I say, panicking a little. his smile fades slightly.

"why not?" he asks, sounding a little bit upset.

"the problem is...they don't know you're a zombie" I say, sighing.

"if only there was some way to...flip a swich and change things...but that isn't possible..." as I say that, the bell rings for class.

"i'm gonna be late...i'll see you later..." I say, walking away, still upset.

~Zed's P.O.V~

as I start walking away, an idea hits me.

"flip a switch!" I mumble to myself. after school, I sit in my bedroom, debating whether I should do what I had in mind or not. finally, I make my decision and swipe right on my z-band. as I swipe right, I yell in pain and grab my wrist. I fall to the ground, still gripping on my wrist. then, the pain suddenly goes away. instead of pale skin, I had a light tan skin tone. and my hair wasn't green anymore. it was a brown color. i've become a whole new person. now, it was time to meet (y/n)'s parents...


I arrive at (y/n)'s house. i take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. I end up hearing (y/n) and her parents talking. I then hear (y/n) say

"Fine! open it! My date to the homecoming game is-" she is then cut off.

"handsome!" her mom says, and I hand her flowers I bought.

"here, I bought these for you." I say as she takes the boque of flowers.

"wow, they're...they're beautiful." the mom says, smiling. the dad then steps in front of me.

"so, how do you know my daughter?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"she's a cheerleader and I am on the football team." I say, smiling.

"no, really? oh, well I used to play a little ball myself. I was a fullback" he said chuckling.

"get out! I'm a fullback!" I say, with a slight smile and a shocked look on my face.

"no way really?!" the dad says in shock as he holds his fists In front of him. I knew what he was doing, so I do the same thing.

"let's do this!" he says, smiling. at the same time, we say:

"LET'S GO MIGHTY SHRIMP BREAK. ON FIVE!" we both started laughing. (y/n) then pushes her way outside

"we're gonna go to the homecoming game" she says as she walks away with me.

"bye! we'll see you later!" the mom calls out, waving. she waves goodbye as well. she then says: "You look so different! how did you-" I knew what she was going to ask, so I quickly answer her.

"I adjusted my z-band!  I can feel the energy coursing through my bones, it's awesome!" I say smiling.

"also, I owe you a real date" I say, continuing to walk with her by my side.

"a date?" she sounded really happy. then, I took her to an ice cream shop. when we got there, I let her in first. but before I could enter after her, my wrist started hurting a lot again. I went fully out of the doorframe and leaned on the window, gripping my wrist. (y/n) noticed that I hadn't gone in yet, so she came to check on me.

"hey, are you okay?" she asks, looking concerned. I look at her and stop gripping my wrist.

"yeah, I'm perfectly fine!" I tell her. I could tell she didn't believe me, but we both brushed it off.

~Second person P.O.V~

"Vanilla, vanilla, double vanilla, can you guess what the next one is?" you ask, the answer being very obvious.

"vanilla" Zed said, with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"yeah, how did you know?" you ask sarcastically, chuckling a little.

"Seabrook has a wide variety" he says, smiling.

"of vanilla" you added. as you and Zed get your ice cream, you ask him:

"why are you using your z-band so much? isn't that dangerous?" he just responds with:

"yeah, it is, but i'm perfectly fine. and besides, it's only one more game before we win!" Zed says, still smiling a bit. you nod in understanding. when you finish your ice cream, you were off to the homecoming game.

End of chapter 6

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