" It wasn't for fun-"

" Especially," she cut him off, " The son of the chief who, oh so kindly welcomed your strange family into his peaceful clan."

He sighed, defeatedly silenced one again. " I know."

" I suppose Toruk Makto wasn't too happy about that, hm?" she asked in a low voice.

" No, no he wasn't. My brother got most of the blame though. In fact, at this very moment he's probably apologizing to Aonung. Dads order." Neteyam shrugged his shoulders, " Who knows, maybe they'll make up and become friends as my father expects them to be."

Vareya scoffed, " Yeah, as if that's going to happen."

Neteyam scrunched his face, " What's that supposed to mean?"

" You don't know Aonung like I do. I know what your thinking, that how could I possibly know if I live such a secluded life. But I'm extremely observant and quiet. If I want, I am very skilled at getting around without being seen."

" I'm not following."

" My point, is that I have seen things. I have observed Aonung long enough to know that he won't take something like this lightly. If you and your brother really did mess him up as well as you say you did, then he's going to want revenge of his own."

Neteyam straightened his back, " Let him try, we can take him in another fight."

Vareya glared at him, " He may be an idiot but he's no fool. He knows there's no chance of winning on land, especially with you around. He would plan it out to be on his own turf, away from bothersome peering eyes such as yours or parents. He likes his prey vulnerable. Alone. Easy."

" So what are you saying? That my brother is in danger at this very moment?"

Vareya shrugged, " Perhaps. How would I know? Most likely Aonung would wait till the perfect moment presents itself before he strikes. When that would be? That's for him to look for and Lo'ak to find out. So just saying as a fair warning, I'd keep my eye on those two for a little while."

" Why Lo'ak? What's stopping him from coming after me?"

Vareya gave him a look. " Don't act all naive now monkey boy. You very well know who of the two brothers they respect the most. You're the eldest, a warrior, more experienced, and closer to a real Na'vi. He's younger, irrational, careless, and a half breed with five fingers. I've already said it, Aonung likes easy prey. You are nothing close to easy."

Hearing that only left Neteyam more worried and frightened. She was right in every way. Lo'ak is super frail compared to him. More mentally than physically.

He hates being wrong, hates being brought down or having the feeling of being belittled. He acts and speaks without thinking and does whatever he wants. He has no fear of anything or no one, so he wouldn't back down from any given situation. With the right words to lure him in, Lo'ak could be controlled with a flick of a finger.

" Thanks for the warning, I should be heading back then. Just as a precaution." Neteyam stood, " Besides, Lo'ak took the blame but I wasn't let of the hook entirely."

Vareya nodded her head, standing herself before pointing to his face. " Wash that off in a couple of hours. It should have healed most of it by then but if the pain is still there, I can do some subtle work on my own that won't raise any suspicions."

Of course when Neteyam came to Vareyas hut with his small wounds, he wasn't expecting her to use her abilities. His wounds weren't life threatening in the least first of all. That fight only left him with some bothersome cuts and bruises.

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