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The night was dark and cold, even through her long thick coat, Lia could still feel the cold pricking all over her skin. She deep her hands into the pockets of her dirty brown coat, and hugged herself together to at least provide even the tiniest bit of warmth, but her efforts were not satisfying at all. She would have bought herself some gloves, but she did not have the money for that yet.

The sound of her worn out boots on the concrete floor was all that could be heard in the cold silent night. It was very late and the street lamps were flickering dangerously. Lia knew that sooner than later, they would go off completely.

She was not really in a hurry to get home. Why would she want to go home quickly when she knew there would be no one waiting for her to return, no one to welcome her home. As an orphan who never knew her parents, Lia has always been lonely. She tried to convince herself sometimes that she was used to it, but it just sucks thinking about it sometimes.

Despite the fact that she was not in a rush to get home, she quickened her pace in hopes of getting home before the lights gave up the ghost. She was not brave enough to walk home alone in the cold dark night. The story of thieves and bandits attacking innocent victims on their way home at night was still fresh in her mind. Benjamin had told her at work in such detailed explanation that caused the fear to be completely engraved in her mind.

If she was unfortunate enough to be attacked right now, Lia knew that the thieves would either kill her or let her go, for she had not a dime on her in that moment.

Nevertheless, she hurried home to prevent her thoughts from even attempting to become a reality.

A few seconds later, Lia heard strange noises behind her. At first she quickened her pace, and broke into a soft jog. She was not ready for a night beating from robbers, as she was already very exhausted from today's work, but she noticed something strange about the noise and stopped in her tracks.

With the absence of the sound of her own boots, she could hear the sound clearly. Someone was running towards her direction. The street light was growing weaker and weaker every second and it was getting difficult to make out figures in the dark.

Lia could guess that it was just robbers excited to carry out their night duties, but it sounded like a single footstep, or maybe it is just a victim running away from robbers. Lia was in no mood to get involved with either of the two scenario, but for some reason, something glued her to her spot.

Was it curiosity? Lia was not sure. All she knew was that, in that moment, she could not get her feet to move.

The steps were getting louder which means whoever was coming was getting closer, and out of the darkness, a figure emerged, a small man in a coat too big for him, and a huge hat almost covering his entire face. The man kept looking behind him as if watching for his pursuers, and he did not notice a frozen Lia standing there.

The two collided and the force threw the small man back earning a soft gasp from him. Lia however acted fast, she thrust her hand out and gripped the man by the waist to prevent him from falling. The action caused the man's huge hat to fall off.

Long wavy red hair fell loose and rare violet eyes stared back at Lia in shock and fear. Lia gasp at the sight of the face before her. It was no man, instead the most beautiful woman Lia has ever seen in her life.

Her face was round, a small cute button nose and eyes as rare and beautiful like a priced jewel. What seem off about her however were the tears in her eyes and the drying ones on her cheeks. There was also a cut on her cheek, and it was very visible because of how fair her skin was.

For a moment, all they did was stare at each other, but the sound of the rushing feet behind them broke their staring contest.

The beautiful lady looked behind her and then back at Lia with wide fearful eyes before whispering two words that was sure to change Lia's life for good.

"Help me"

Lia knew deep down that she should not even be considering helping this lady. She had absolutely no idea who this woman is or what she must have gotten herself involved in, but the bigger part of her was troubled by the tears welling up in her eyes. That look of fear and panic, and that cut on her cheek.

Lia was not thinking straight when she grabbed the lady's wrist, picked up her hat and quickly pulled her towards the back of a small hut, away from the main street.

She watched behind the walls as three huge men finally came into view all dressed in red uniforms Lia had never seen before. They probably belong to a noble household.

The men stopped and frantically looked around "where has she disappeared to?" One asked slightly out of breath. Lia could make out the spares in their hands.

"She must not have gone far" another added.

"We have to find her before she completely escapes, or we will be the ones to lose our heads. Let's go!" They rushed farther away, until their steps faded and they were completely out of sight.

Lia heaved a relieved sigh and glance beside her at the lady who was already looking at her. She however lowered her eyes, seeing that she had been caught staring. Lia cleared her throat suddenly feeling awkward. She had no idea what was supposed to happen now. Should she let the lady go her way or offer her a place to stay?

Lia knew that was a bad idea in so many ways and for so many reasons. The lady seem to be in very big trouble, the guards chasing after her were enough proof of that, and Lia had already involved herself enough by helping her. She would surely be getting into more trouble if she tries to offer more help to the stranger.

But whenever she stared at those big rare violet eyes, she realize that she did not mind getting into trouble, as long as she is of help to the beautiful lady. Summoning up her courage, she asked "d_do you have a place to stay?"

The lady glance up at her and then back at her feet, before shaking her head in reply

Lia had never invited anyone to her crabby excuse of a house. She had no friends and never bothered to make any. Her social skills were very bad and she had no idea how to go about this, but she was willing to try. "Um, w_would y_you like to come with me? Just for the night. It is already dark and it can be dangerous. It is not safe to roam around on your own at this time."

The lady said nothing for a while; she stared up at Lia with a bit of surprise in her expression. Lia hoped the lady did not think of her as a creep or anything of that sort. She honestly just wanted to be of help to the lady, but if she does not want Lia's help, then Lia would not force her.

To her surprise, the lady wordlessly nodded and Lia mind immediately relax out of relief. Although she hoped with all her heart that she would not end up regretting this.

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