What Have You Become?

Start from the beginning

My blur finally cleared after dew seconds, turning my looks at who the person was. Oh, it was the boy I fought back in the... the... what was that building again? Never mind, it doesn't matter. I spectated the boy, while my brain processed slowly. Then I heard shouting. Seems like the boy was arguing with other doctors, that pushed me to my room. 

Finally my mind was beginning to get more clear. Suddenly I remembered his name, as I stared at him. His name was... A-... America, right yeah. He was crying? what a surprise-

Now he's being dragged back by the nurses. He's trying to get to me.

"no, NO, GET AWAY FROM ME!" that boy yelled. "BROTHER-! C-CANADA!" 

My consciousness snapped back, realizing what I've dreamed. That's what the man called me. I looked in surprise to see back at so called 'America' to see some details about it. Hell, he looks like the man I met in my dreams!

I struggled to move a bit, however there was no point, as I helplessly watched him getting dragged back and disappear out of sight, only his yells and screams or rage could be heard. Back when I got into my room, the thought didn't go from my mind. Why Canada? I don't even know him. How does he know that but not me? Why are 2 people just called me that? Nevertheless... come to think of it, the name do sounds familiar. 

Ugh... my headache's getting much more worse... I sighed, putting a hand on my head while I bore the pain. Not long after, I blacked out.

There were screams, unexplainable talking and whispers. What were these for? Am I missing out something? Why can't I wake up? Why can't I feel my body? 

"CANADA, IT'S ME, YOUR BROTHER!!" suddenly a familiar voice went through my head. But I still couldn't get what was going on. 'My brother'? 

All that thoughts ran away from my mind as I found my reflection by a mirror, finally snapping back to reality. I was horrified. Is this really me? I spectated my surroundings through the mirror with horror, breathing heavily as my brain took a moment to process. I had blood all over myself. Corpses laid behind me. I looked horrendous. Having deer horns, with black, wine red eyes with black colored arm, covered all over blood. I just can't believe what I look like right now. How the heck did I end up here? I swear I felt like I was sleeping. How?

"C-can?" the boy called out, along with another boy, who was also covered in blood, as they terrifically stared at me with horror. I stared back in horror too. 

"What the fuck is this?" I muttered to myself, gazing at my appearance. 

"This isn't you" America began. His voice had a hint of terrified voice. 

Then he asked me a question. That I don't know the answer of. I quite asked that myself too.

"B-brother..." that's what he started. Gulping and taking a deep breath before he could continue. Seems like he was hesitant for a moment, then he continued what he was going to say.

"What have you've become?"

Author's note: wooooo, Finally I finished. Sorry I took a long time. You can blame school lol.

BTW, Happy Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year!!!! I wish you all get an amazing day!!! 

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