Arc 1.3

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Author's P.O.V: ~

After a while of scolding Pupa, Prince finally thought of his time in the training room. Even though the time in here was short, he had spent many years there. As for how he managed to remember the plot, it's just Pupa here had sent him Pa's past life as well as some very important plot points.

The story is a bit complicated so I will tell this in a funny way. I will name the biological father of Prince (Original's biological father) as 'Hoe' his wife who is the step mother of Prince if he lived with them as 'Bitch' and their son (you will understand later.) As 'Son of a bitch' and the biological mother of Prince as 'Beauty' and Pa as Pa.

So the thing is, How was rich but not THAT rich, and as for bitch, she was the same, both of them were good looking but still not that much, both of them had met eachother during a banquet and had fallen in love (With eachother's money-) after having a one night stand, they married eachother.

Later the bitch and hoe went to a nightclub in a disguise without telling eachother, later hoe was mesmerized by beauty and bitch had met Pa. Bitch and Hoe were mesmerized with Beauty and Pa's looks and had forced them by drugging and further rapping then. {Bitch raped Pa and Hoe raped beauty.}

After that bitch had gotten to knownthat she was pregnant, ofcourse beauty had also gotten to know that she was aswell. Beauty was disgusted by hoe, so leaving the child there was out of question, and as for abortion, that's to cruel for the child in her eyes. Because in her words, 'What did the child do?'

Bitch on the other hand had not aborted the child as always, because she wanted to strengthen herself in Hoe's family, so after bitch and hoe did it, she announced that she was pregnant. Hoe congratulated her but he really did not care.

Beauty on the other hand had met Pa; she felt that the man was very lonely and good hearted. You see l he was actually asexual, he did not have any attraction to anyone. After his family had gotten to know that he was unwilling to give a heir they abandoned him, his friends and cousins and every relative left him to fend for himself. Why? Because he of no use to them now.

He had fallen into temporary depression because of that, his bestfriend who was the only one beside him had gotten as far selling him, just because he was skilled in martial arts he was able to escape.

After he confronted his bestfriend about it he had only cursed the hell out of him telling him that everyone only stays with him because of his money and looks. This had him completely broken, this his obsession for MC, because our MC was the only person who was there for him and loved him unconditionally without asking for anything in return.¹

After beauty had started to talk with Pa, he felt that the person in front of him was very kind. Even though he did not fall in love with Beauty he had strong feelings for her, he was attached to her and she knew that and feared. For she had gotten to know that her body was weak, if she gave birth to this child she will die.

Beauty was attached to the child, she loved the little thing inside her. Even though the child was given to her by someone she hated, she just thought of him as a sperm donor. Beauty knew she would be able to have childern after aborting, but her heart told her to keep it. And so she did, when the day finally came and she gave birth to our MC she felt the limited timing and kissed the forehead of the child.

Smiling tiredly, she gave a call to Pa who was looking at her with fondness with her eyes. Beauty then told her what happened with her, also the fact that she was going to die in some moment. Pa was heartbroken and could not help but shed some tears.

Knowing her limited time, Beauty finally confessed her feelings. She told him how she had fallen in love with him, how she wished that she could grow old with him but since fate had other plans she had to go. Pa was unable to do anything, because, first he was overwhelmed with everything happening with him, and second knowing that his sister had feelings for him.

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