- Ninth -

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When Taehyung got out of the car, he was surprised to find that he was at Polar Night. This cabaret had a certain reputation, and he had been there many times, even if he hadn't had much time in recent months. The place hadn't changed though, and it still exuded the warmth and mystery that Taehyung was particularly fond of.

Jimin followed him, putting his suit jacket back on, and the two men noticed that a man about their age was waiting for them at the entrance, his long chestnut hair curling particularly well in the damp winter air. When the man looked up at them, a huge smile spread across his heart-shaped lips, and they could almost see a golden halo above his head. Jimin and Taehyung joined him as the man gestured for them to come closer.

"I didn't know you'd be here too, Hobi." Taehyung said with an amused expression.

The young man's smile deepened.

"When Jimin told me you were going to Polar Night, I couldn't resist! It's a hundred times better than staying at home watching TV!"

Taehyung had to agree. Hoseok and Jimin were his closest men. He could compare them to friends, especially as they were the only ones who could lecture him without risking their lives.

"Anyway," continued Taehyung. "Is this really where our culprit is?"

Hoseok shrugged, clearly showing that he didn't know anything about it. Jimin nodded, ready to answer him.

"Yes, apparently he works here part-time. He's the singer, a certain Jung Jungkook."

Hoseok's eyes widened at that.

"Jung? He's got the same surname as me, that's funny!"

"Is that all?" Taehyung continued. "Do we know if he has any links with another gang?"

Ignoring Hoseok's comment, Jimin shook his head.

"No, not that I know of. Outside the cabaret, he works for a clothing company. Honestly, I don't think he did it to provoke us. Perhaps he wasn't even aware of Juwon's activities."

Hoseok frowned.

"Then why did he kill him if he didn't know him?"

Taehyung couldn't prevent a smile from forming on his lips. He was enjoying this turn of events more and more. A gang war didn't interest him in the least. But if it was an independent murderer, that was something else entirely. This man was killing for a reason that still eluded Taehyung, but he was dying to find out.

"Passion." Taehyung replied. "Maybe Juwon was simply in his way, and this little singer was just dying to kill."

His two friends were rather sceptical, because they knew Taehyung's passion for murder. And he sometimes tended to let that passion get the better of his rationality. He often forgot that not everyone thought like he did.

"Anyway, we should go." Jimin advised. "The performance shouldn't take long to start. Unless you want to take care of the singer first, Taehyung?"

Jimin and Hoseok turned to their boss, waiting for an answer. But Taehyung just shook his head, a sly little smile plastered on his lips.

"Certainly not. I want to see the show too."

So, by mutual agreement, the three men entered the cabaret and came face to face with Yoongi, who as usual was at the reception. And Jimin and Hoseok's eyes immediately lit up when they saw him.

"Yoongi hyung!" Jimin exclaimed.

The thirty-year-old looked up from his newspaper, and a warm smile spread across his lips as he saw the two men.

"Jiminie, Hoba... What are you doing here?"

The two men joined him at the counter, smiling.

"We missed you too much, Yoongi!" replied Hoseok with a wink.

The thirty-year-old did something that would have surprised anyone, Jungkook first: he blushed. The two of them always had that effect on him. But it wasn't his fault, they were always flirting with him! Yoongi was human too, he wanted to feel loved...

"Stop lying, you'll break our Yoongi hyung's poor little heart." said a voice behind them.

The cabaret owner immediately regained his seriousness, especially when his eyes fell on Taehyung. He did, however, keep a small smile on his lips.

"I understand these two coming to visit me, but what about you, Taehyung? To what do I owe this honour? Especially since you haven't bothered to come say hello to me in months..."

"I've been pretty busy. But I came today because I heard about your new singer..."

Yoongi frowned.

"Are you talking about Jungkook? Has he became famous yet? So that it reaches the ears of the great Kim Taehyung..." Yoongi teased.

"Hm, you could say that..."

"I see. Go ahead, I'll let you in for free this time..."

"What? No, we're going to pay Yoongi hyung..." said Jimin indignantly, already taking out his wallet.

But the thirty-year-old stopped him.

"Come on Jiminie, I'm happy to do it. And frankly, three tickets aren't going to change my life. Go on, before that idiot's provocative smile makes me change my mind."

Taehyung chuckled, but didn't react. He simply shrugged his shoulders and followed the two men, unable to resist sticking his tongue out at Yoongi before disappearing. The thirty-year-old rolled his eyes, but an amused smile graced his lips.


When the three men arrived in the cabaret's main hall, the lights had already gone out, indicating that the show was about to begin. They barely had time to find a table before the dancers came on stage and the music started.

They watched the show with smiles on their faces. It should not be forgotten that they were fairly regular customers. Taehyung knew how to appreciate this kind of performance. He had to admit that he loved this cabaret. Yoongi had made it a pleasant place where people felt good.

The dancers eventually left the stage, and it was plunged into darkness for a few minutes. And when the lights came back on, Taehyung felt breathless. Here he was, standing there on the stage with his usual elegance. And although it had become commonplace for the regulars at the cabaret, it was new for Taehyung.

Jungkook was absolutely gorgeous. His ebony-black hair, a lock of which fell just in front of his eyes, hiding a part of his face, making it more mysterious. Despite his loose clothes, the gangster could make out his wide hips and slim waist. His skin was as white as milk, like a porcelain doll. Taehyung loved breaking things, especially when they could break easily, like porcelain. But for Jungkook, it was much more than that.

It was in his eyes. There was no provocation in those black eyes, round as marbles. He wasn't trying to seduce, to attract. They looked dead, and yet so alive. As if the singer was struggling with himself, wanting to live and die at the same time.

It was captivating.

And it became even more so when he began to sing. His voice was soft, angelic, almost innocent. Taehyung understood better. Jung Jungkook was a mystery. And he loved that. This singer hid a thousand secrets, and Taehyung was dying to find out what they were.

Their eyes met and they lost themselves in each other's contemplation. Jungkook kept his eyes riveted on the gangster, also intrigued by this man who was smiling with his piercing gaze. It was as if he could read him like an open book. As if he'd already figured out who Jungkook was.

It was as if they were both spellbound, as if captivated by each other's mysterious beauty.

For Taehyung, Jungkook was like a dove flying over the bloody battlefield.

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